3K Special (Trailer: A Dragon's Roar)

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Thanks for Reading This Book. For getting over 3K reads collectively, I'm going to be having a type of trailer. This story may or may not be worked on when Volume 1 of this story is finished. I may jump into Volume 2 or just take a break entirely for a little bit to formulate ideas. Anyways, let me get this out of the way.

I don't own any of the characters from Fairy Tail.


Old Man Narrator (OMN): In the span of hundreds of years, humanity has made many breakthroughs.

Dozens of lights erupt a city.

OMN: We have traversed the lone tides and seas.

Fighting could be heard ensuing.

OMN: We have sunk to the depths in the oceans.

Zooming into the city many people are walking around. The fighting gets louder.

OMN: We have flown through the skies and walked through all the lands.

Going into a dark alleyway, the sounds get even louder.

OMN: We have even been able to be with the stars. So why...through all our achievements and gains...

Light engulfs, showing a room where a teenage boy is getting beaten to death.

OMN: ...do we still have the stupidity and ignorance to hurt our own.

The young boy is bloodied and on the floor, dying.

OMN: *smiles* Though...through the entire course of human injustice, there are always a light to be shown.

The boy gets engulfed by the light.

OMN: Through peace, the strong get wise. Through war, the wise get strong. This has been the law of the land for generations. Though some tend to forget this fact. This boy will be given the chance to begin anew in a different life, in a different world.

The boy wakes up, not knowing where he is or what happened to him.

OMN: Through his life, he has gotten wise. Through this one, he will get strong. *eyes glow* After all, for one soar in the sky *a pink-haired boy is shown flying on a red dragon* one must learn how to fly. *shows a black-haired boy with no shirt in the icy snow* And for one to not be held back, *shows a long, red-haired girl with a sword* they must learn to break their own chains. *shows a short, blond-haired girl* Hang on tight kid. *looks to the one who got engulfed by light* Your adventure will begin, just like the ones you used to read.

Like I said, I may or may not write this one. It just depends on if I want to take a small break or just want to continue "The Rose of Remnant." I still haven't decided. I'll choose when I get to that point. Anyways, have a better day than yesterday.

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