Cardin Winchester

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Jaune is struggling against the beast known as Cardin Winchester, an absolute brute with barely any humanity. Brown hair, bluish eyes, and a massive mean streak. He's tall as well.

 He's tall as well

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Fig. 1

Cardin keeps swinging and pushes Jaune down.

Cardin: This is the part where you lose. *lifts up mace*

Before he could swing down, a buzzer rings with lights coming on for the entire building.

Goodwitch: *walks to the stage* That's enough Mr. Winchester. *turns to the students on benches away from the stage* As you can see, Mr. Ark's aura has reached its critical state. This would be a loss in his ca-

Y/N: Yang and Weiss have been acting weird for nearly a month now. Either they've been so close or keep avoiding me. What did I do? That's not all who are being weird. Lately, I haven't been able to talk to Ruby without her just becoming upset. Also...*stares at Cardin*

Goodwitch: -and Mr. Ark. I think more training is in order. We wouldn't want you to get eaten by a beowolf.

Cardin: *whispers* Speak for yourself.

Y/N: *eyes slit* He's been getting ruder towards me, Jaune, and other faunists. It's starting to piss me off. I want to drag him off a bridge while he's wearing cement shoes but-*starts to relax and pupils turn to normal* I can't do anything like that. He has some skill but not as much with that boasting of his. *Y/N turns to see Yang looking at him, only to quickly look at the stage* When will the weirdness stop. *sighs* I really wish I could activate aura and use a semblance like the rest.

Flashback 2 Weeks Ago

Ozpin: So you don't know what an aura is or a semblance?

Y/N: That's correct sir.

Ozpin: Hmmm. I can sense an aura, but it feels...restricted for some unknown reason. It will probaby come to you, as will your semblance.

Goodwitch: I suggest he doesn't fight until he is able to activate his aura.

Ozpin: *nods* Very well. Try to unlock it before the Vital's Festival so you can choose whether to compete or not. I would rather hate for one of my students not being able to choose because of something like this.

Y/N: I'll try my best sir.

Flashback Ends

Y/N: It's been two weeks since then and I still can't activate even a tiny part. Man life sucks so much right now.

Goodwitch: Remember that if you are entering the combat tournament, you will be representing all of Vale. *bell rings* That's all, dismissed.

Y/N sees Pyrrha and Jaune looking upset. Jaune staring at the ground and Pyrrha staring at Jaune. He places a hand on Pyrrha.

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