Date With A Rose and A Dragon

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Yang [still asleep]: Mmmmm...stop moving so much...that tickles.

Ruby [still asleep]: So....fluffy and....warm.

Y/N: Alby What The Hell IS GOING ON!!?

Alby: *appears* Hmmm...seems like one of those scenes.

Y/N: What are you talking about?! What are "those scenes!!"

Alby: You don't need to know. Just don't wake any of the others and you can save yourself.


Alby: *sheepish grin* Riiiight...*shrugs* enjoy it?

Y/N: *starts to see black dots* How could this ever be enjoyed.

Alby: *sighs and looks at a wall* You have no idea.


Ably: Need to know basis, you don't need to know. Anyways, the solution is simple: Scream, or silently maneuver your body so that you can get off the bed. In my opinion, I like option one.

Y/N: *vision is starts to encase in black* Of course you do. It's always entertainment for you.

Alby: And the viewers.

Y/N: What are you going on ab-

Alby: You forget I'm a god.

Y/N: There is no way that a child is a god. Besides you wanted to be called God, you never said anything about being one.

Alby: *pouts* I am a god meanie. You can believe anything you want but it's the truth. Hmph!

Y/N: *gets lightheaded* Looks like I need to go with option 3.

Alby: Option 3? don't mean.

Y/N: I'm sorry for this Yang, but you need to get off.

Alby: No! You can't do that! We are already on a fine line as it is! We can't have that-

Y/N grabs Yang by the foot and starts to lightly tickle it, making Yang chuckle, then have her eyes snap awake.

Yang: Huh? Wait...*looks behind her seeing a purple looking Y/N staring at her.

Y/N: *whisper* Please Yang...get

Yang realizes what's happening and quickly rolls to Y/N's left, allowing him to breath once again.

Alby: Phew, you meant that.

Y/N: What did you think I meant?

Alby: Uhhh...*sweating bullets*...bye! *disappears*

Y/N: *closes his eyes and whispers* Geez.

Yang: *whispers in Y/N's ear* I'm sorry.

Y/N turns to see Yang's face close to his. Her face was pale and she looked very upset.

Yang: *whispers* I toss and turn in my sleep.

Y/N: *kisses her forehead and whispers* It's alright. *she relaxes and gets more color back* I just need to make sure that if you ever sneak into my bed again, to order a bigger one.

Yang: *whispers* Again? *blushes*

Y/N: *whispers* Sure. I'm okay with it. But having lots of people here is kinda...

Yang: *giggles & whispers*'re right. Next time, *pulls Y/N's face close to hers* let's only have us two~ Deal~

Y/N shudders involuntarily at the thought. Then he felt a tug on his arm and sees Ruby pouting.

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