Initiations Complete 'Part 2' // Recruitment Offer

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Wind POV (This was supposed to be added to the last chapter but didn't so...enjoy)

I stood up on the cliff, looking out on everybody. I smiled thinking that I finally did something to prove to everyone. That's when I caught something moving on the outer edge of the forest. It was the boy, smiling. And just like that, he disappeared yet again.

???: Ruby...RUBY!

I shake my head, now in front of Professor Ozpin and beside my teammates. I turn to see Yang looking with concern.

Yang: You alright?

I realized where we were: the auditorium, being declared Team RWBY. I flash Yang a reassuring smile.

Me: I'm fine Yang. Just a little nervous I guess, being the leader and all.

Yang: Don't worry, *she bumps her hip at me, making me stumble* you'll be just fine.

The rest of the teams get announced, but I couldn't pay attention because I was focused on other things.

Me: Who was that person? Was he really a ghost? He looked like one but do ghosts have tails? Can ghosts even fight? But he had a weapon. Right, that was so cool! The way it could switch so efficiently must mean it's well maintained. OMG!It'ssocool!!Iwanttogoandaskhimallabouthisweaponandtools.Pleasejustletthisbeoveralrea-dy!!!!

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn. It was Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin [whisper]: Ms. Rose, can you and your team meet me in my office before heading to your dorms? It will only take a few moments.

I gave a nod before being escorted out by my teammates. Before we entered the building with dorms, I stop, making the girls look at me.

Yang: What's up? Why are you stopping?

Me: Prof. Ozpin requested us to see him before resting in the dorms for the evening. They look at each other until Weiss lets out a sigh.

Weiss: Let's just get this over with.

We head Prof. Ozpin's office and there we meet Professor Goodwitch with Prof. Ozpin.

Me: Why is she here?

Ozpin: Oh, she's here to take notes.

Goodwitch [whisper]: More like dragged here.

I resisted the urge to laugh but a few chuckles came out, giving a few stares from my team.

Ozpin: *clasps hands* So ladies, I understand you saw something unusual today. Is that true?

Yang and Blake were confused, but Weiss and I knew exactly what he meant.

Me: Weiss and I both saw someone unusual. We think he may be the rumored "Ghost of Beacon's Forest." 

Prof. Goodwitch and Blake both had surprised looks while Prof. Ozpin only nodded.

Ozpin: I see...and tell me Ms. Rose, do you think the rumors are true?

Me: Well, he looked pale but very real. He also was able to interact with real objects, something we were told that ghosts couldn't do. He's been a blur to us but that could be chalked up to his semblance or him being fast since he's a type of faunist.

Everyone looks at me with more shock. Even Prof. Ozpin seemed to react with some interest.

Ozpin: I see...that would make sense. What about the other rumors, then, like the ones about the Grimm or the destroyed parts in the forest?

Me: He has the fighting skills, and I believe the strength, to make some of those rumors true, professor.

He smiles at me while Weiss looks confused.

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