Meeting of Ice, Wind, Shadow, and Fire: Part 2

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(Authors Note: The reason why it's Y/N for the main character is because I can't think of any good names. If you guys want it to be kept Y/N L/N, then that's okay. If you guys want a name for this guy, tell me so I start thinking of some. You can also drop some ideas if you have any. Also for the sake of the reading, everyone is 18 so Ruby is 16 and Y/N is 17. So yeah...enjoy the read. :D)

The next morning Y/N woke up with a sweat. His ears perk up, only for him to cover them.

Y/N [groggy]: They get up too early...and are so Loud!

He tucks in his ears and tries to go back to no avail. Now, what he was referring to was the commotion in a building a little ways off from the forest. Inside were people conversing. The loudest being-

Girl: WAKE-UP REN!!!!!

-a girl. She shook someone, she called Ren, awake. He groaned.

Ren [drowsy]: Nora, you need to be a little more quiet.

Nora: I know but it's so-

They move to some building, eating.

Nora: -exciting, you know what I mean! We are together at Beacon! *mumbles* Well not together-together.

Nora shoves some food in her mouth.

Nora [food in mouth]: Anfywafs, I fope that wef are on the same teamm.

She gulps down her food.

Nora: I know! We should bribe the headmaster...wait, no, he owns a school.

They move to a different room where Ren is getting his items.

Nora: Oh, what about a secret message to communicate where we are. Hmmm, how about a sloth!?!

Ren: Nora,

He equips his weapons, making a loud *click* sound.

Ren:  I don't think sloths make a lot of noise.

Quick silence before Nora's voice becomes even more excited.

Nora: That's why it's so genius. They'll never know we are working together!

Ren [closing something]: Let's go Nora.

Nora [mumbling]: But, you know, not...together-together.

Back with Y/N, he was holding onto his ears.

Y/N: That Nora girl shouts so much, I think my ears will burst soon. I need to fully wake-up or I'll go deaf.

You see, Y/N can't control the range of his ears' hearing when he first wakes up. Something about not having enough energy in the morning or whatnot, seems like a problem for him. Anyways, before things could get worse, he ran and jumped into the little lake next to the waterfall. Fully awake, Y/N slowly heard less and less until he heard only the birds chirping. He took a sigh of relief, finally getting his hearing under control.

Y/N [smiling]: Much better. Now... *looks at himself, drenched with clothes still on* ...time for laundry.

An hour goes by with Y/N sitting on a tree branch, waiting for something. His ears perk up and he gets a small grin.

Y/N: Looks like it's about to begin. Finally.

Far away from Y/N, people were waiting for the instructor to start. Y/N listens in anticipation.

Y/N: I wonder what he's going to say this go-around?

Ozpin: For years, you have trained to become warriors and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest, which others who don't know the name *ahem* call it "Beacon Forest."

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