First Day In Beacon

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Y/N was having a pleasant dream until he heard the sound of a whistle. He woke up with a start and heard voices on the other side.

Ruby: Goooooood Moorrning Team RWBY!

Y/N heard Weiss groan. He chuckled.

Y/N: I think I should say good morning to them.

Weiss: What is wrong with you?

Y/N gets dressed and organizes his things.

Ruby: Now that you are awake, we can officially begin our first order of business.

Weiss: Excuse me!?

Y/N leaves his room.

Yang: Decorating!

Weiss: What!?

Blake: We still have to unpack.

Y/N hears a suitcase open and lots of things dropping.

Blake: Aaaand clean. *nervous chuckle*

Y/N: Pfft. These girls never cease to amaze me. *laughs a little*

A brief silence until the whistle noise, louder this time, rings out the silence, making Y/N shut his ears. He knocks on the door to find Yang was the one to open it.

Yang: Oh hey Y/N. What are you doing here in the morning? *her face brightens* Did you want to come see us?~

Y/N showed a deadpan look and looks over Yang's shoulder.

Y/N: I swear Ruby, if it's you that's blowing that whistle, I'm going to hang you on a gargoyle by your cape. You're becoming more like Nora everyday: loud and forgetful.

Ruby: *hides whistle* Heh heh. I...don't know what you mean.

Y/N: *sighs* Never mind, I heard you guys were going to decorate your room and I was going to ask if you girls need help?

Yang: Oh if you're willing, come on in. *drags Y/N in by the arm*

Y/N: Sorry for intruuuu *looks at Weiss in her night gown* Uhhhh. *blushing mess* IthinkIpickedthewrongtimeseeya.

Y/N runs out before anything is said. Weiss then realizes what she was still wearing and screamed.

Weiss: Yang! Why did you bring him in!?!

Yang: I thought you would already change. I didn't know you would still be in that.

A quick change later and they found Y/N outside in the hallway, still blushing. He looks up.

Y/N: I-is it ok-kay to come i-in now?

Weiss: Yes *death glares Yang who can only nervously chuckle* it is.

They all went inside.

Ruby: Alright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless team leader Ruby, with the added help of Y/N, start their very first mission! BONSAI!

Yang + Blake: BONSAI!

Y/N: Uhhh...Bonsai?

 Cue to them starting to unpack. Y/N helped Blake with her books until he came across a rather...ahem...interesting one.

Y/N: Ninjas of Love? What is that Blake? Is it a good book?

She quickly grabs it, blushing red as a tomato.

Black [flustered]: I-it's just a si-simple ro-romance novel. Nothing to-too special.

She quickly puts it away as Y/N could only tilt his head.

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