Things Get Hectic

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Y/N walks into a room that has Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Ozpin, and Glynda.

Ozpin: A fine showing Mr. L/N.

Y/N: *grins* Well, Ozzy, it was brilliant on your part to make this such a spectacle.

Everyone stared at him blankly.

Ozzy: Ozzy?

Y/N: Well most call you Ozpin or Prof. Ozpin, Qrow, wherever he is, calls you Oz, I thought that I should make a new one for you.

Ozzy: *chuckles* Very well then Y/N. *turns to both teams* I'm sure you got some questions.

Jaune: Yeah, what's with us not going to school for a month and a half.

Ozzy: *smirks* I'll let Y/N explain.

Y/N gives Ozzy the stink eye before sighing.

Y/N: Can anyone tell me what I said you needed when I was in the med-bay?


Yang: ...purpose, experience, strength.

Y/N: *snaps fingers* Precisely, and remember I said I had a plan? *everyone nods* Well until students come to Vale, a month and a half away, you will be taking missions with me. Plus, you will receive training from me. You may not find your purpose, for those that don't have one, but I can guarantee growth and experience.

Weiss: ...So what you're saying that we get to act like professional huntsmen?

Y/N: *nods* With me supervising of course, but to fulfill this request, Ozzy had to get the other teachers' on board aka their permission, hence me taking the final exams of their classes. They also needed to know if I was physically capable to handle eight students and protect them, which is why I had to fight Glynda.

Weiss: ...I...see.

Y/N: *smiles* Like I said, I can provide you with experience and growth. You need to figure out your purpose on your own.

Ruby: But how?

Y/N: *laughs* Having a purpose can be as simple as having a wish since purposes are like wishes. In fact, you should know Ruby and also should Pyrrha. How else would you explain how Pyrrha is strong or why you, Ruby, got into Beacon so early. Anyways, a purpose drives a person to their limits, or makes them face that direction. A purpose can be in two forms: short-term and long-term. Most people fall in the long-term purpose category, especially dreamers. The problem with those types are they get confused about what they want or how they will get it. If they solve those roadblocks, however, that purpose could bear amazing fruit.

They look at one another in confusion.

Ozzy: Say you want to get stronger to push a boulder up a mountain. You can clearly envision the large boulder on the mountain, but you don't know how to get there, therefore you don't make progress. *they all nod* Well, you come up with a solution to train yourself by pushing the boulder around flat land while wearing weights that get heavier through the years. With this solution, they push the boulder to the top of the mountain, victorious. Do you see now the reasoning behind purposes or drive?

Ruby: It's kinda making sense.

Yang: *turns to Y/N* So what's the thing that drives you to get stronger Y/N? What is your purpose of getting stronger?

Y/N: *sad smile* I'm afraid it wasn't as heroic as some of you are thinking nor is it like any of yours I believe. My purpose is relatively straight-forward: it was for revenge. *room went silent and everyone got serious* Revenge for what happened to my mother.

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