Revealing Truth: A Promise Remembered (Volume 1 Finale)

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After the hug with Neopolitan, Y/N talked to her for a few minutes before hearing gunshots.

Y/N: Sorry Neopolitan but I need to go, there seems to be trouble. You should go.

Neopolitan: *pouts* Neo.

Y/N: Huh?

Neopolitan: *moves closer to Y/N for emphasis* Call. Me. Neo.

Y/N: *laughs* Alright Neo, you should start leaving. Things will be getting dangerous it seems from over yonder.

Neo: I'm a fighter too you know.

Y/N: *lifts eyebrow* Are you sure? I didn't know they taught young kids to fight. Then again Ruby has been fighting for four years so I guess.

Neo: Hey! Who are you calling kid! I'm twenty!

Y/N: *steps back* O-oh. I'm sorry. You looked so young and small I just-

Neo: Don't you have something to go to. *nods to the noise*

Y/N: Yeah I do. Anyways catch you later. *jumps onto a roof*

Neo: *smiles* See you later...Wait...Y/N!!!

Y/N: *looks back from the rooftop* What?

Neo: Catch!  *throws something*

Y/N catches the object and is shocked by what he was seeing.

Y/N: How did you-

Neo: I have a message from the person who wanted to give you that. They said, "He's still alive."

Y/N: *mumbles* Does that mean... *speaks louder* Thanks for this Neo. I'll see you later.

Neo nods as Y/N runs to the commotion. Y/N arrives to see an all out fire fight between Ruby, Blake, Penny, and Sun against Roman and The White Fang.

Y/N: Why are they dragging this out? Wait...must be waiting for the police. *grins* They've gotten slicker.

Alby: I'm pretty sure it's because you're rubbing off on them.

Blake's POV

I see Roman throwing a Fire Dust crystal at Ruby, who was already occupied by some of The White Fang members

Me: Ruby! Watch out!

The Fire Dust is hit by Roman and it explodes around Ruby, making smoke appear from her spot.

Me: Y/N has to be there. He always said he would be there for her. So please be there Y/N! PLEASE!

Y/N: Geez, you are such a pain sometimes. *smoke clears to find Y/N holding Ruby, making me relax* Haven't I told you to always gauge your surroundings, you sweet-tooth idiot.

Ruby: Hey! No one can be as observant as you, ghost fox wannabe.

They both laughed as Y/N put down Ruby. I let out a sigh of relief.

Me: He really does keep his promises, just like he's always said. Maybe if it's him...*looks at the White Fang member's back* ...I could...I could finally rid that man from my life. *looks to Y/N and Ruby while smiling* Yes, I could finally face that man.

Third Person Limited: Y/N's POV

Y/N hears clapping and turns to Roman who was the noise of all that.

Roman: You know, I can't believe you actually exist. I mean *starts to walk* there were rumors of 'The Ghost of Beacon' and his exploits but, *turns to Y/N and laughs* I thought they wouldn't be true! Especially the part where you are a fox faunus, a perfect selling-piece specimen if you ask me. Now that I look at you, *taps finger of chin, smiling* I wonder how much I could sell you for.

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