Semblance Awakening

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Pyrrha: Y/N. Y/N answer me! *grabs him and turns him around* Why did you say those things to Jaune! Are you trying to make him quit?

Y/N: Pyrrha...please listen to me, I'm only going to say this only once. *she steps back and nods* I've seen students get killed for reasons like Jaune's situation okay. Every year, a few students think they can take on a massive Grimm by themselves and wind up killing themselves. Arrogance leads to foolishness and those who never learn will never grow. Besides, *looks at Pyrrha* what I said to Jaune is true. All of it. The way he is acting is like spitting in the face of the people who try and become. But that's not all. I know how it is when you take the path of a hero. It's a lonely, insufferable existence that leaves you alone, cold, hollow, with nothing to be obtained nor given. It destroys the person's soul and mental fortitude from the inside out.

Pyrrha steps back in shock.

 Y/N: "Those who can't bear the weight of the world, shouldn't and those who can, should." That's one of the philosophies of being a hero. I remember a priest telling my mom and I that a few years back. Those types of people lose everything and gain nothing. I don't want Jaune to turn out like me, losing someone that he cares about and then dedicating their life to get strong to seek revenge. That's why I said all that I did. Besides, Jaune would have never been accepted to Beacon if Ozpin didn't see anything inside him, let alone be a leader of a team. Until he can accept those responsibilities and reflect to find his flaws, I can never help him.

Pyrrha: But how are we supposed to know when that is.

Y/N: *smiles* Simple...*turns to her fully and looks directly into her eyes* when he is ready, he will come find us and ask for help. If he doesn't want it now, that's his choice. Our choice is to simply allow him to make a choice again once he wants to finally make a decision.

Pyrrha: *shakes her head* You are really hard to talk to, you know that right?

Y/N: *shrugs* I just used my experience and put it into the situation. Nothing more, nothing less.

Pyrrha: After hearing all that, I guess I can let it slide for today.

Y/N: I had to say those things because I knew you would be too soft on him. After all, it would be painful to inflict hurt onto someone you love, even if you know that it would be good for them.

Pyrrha: Yeah I guess you're- *realizes what he said and starts blushing* Wh-what are yo-you talking about. I don't lo-love him. Don't be so absurd!

Y/N: *smiles* I think you forget that I have good hearing, your dorm is across mine, and you sleep mumble. *she turns redder* Don't worry, no one else could hear you unless they were right on top of you. Anyways, we should head back to our dorms.

For the next few days, Team RWBY, Team JNPR (minus Jaune), and Y/N saw Jaune less and less. The times they did see him was when he was around Cardin. Y/N was mad but he maintained composure and left it be.

Y/N: If this is his choice, so be it.

Y/N was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

Y/N: Tomorrow's the field trip. Thankfully, Weiss and Yang are now acting normal again...well...semi-normal. I'm worried for Jaune. He might do something he regrets and won't be able to change the outcome. I should have more faith in him. He's stubborn, but that is one of the better qualities in a leader...if properly managed that is.

Jaune: No?

Ruby: Nope.

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N cracks his door to see Ruby and Jaune sitting on the floor. Y/N blushed because he could see she was in her pajamas.

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