A New *weird* Companion

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Y/N: Uhhh...my head...can't...hold...on...

Ozpin: Wha- -appened...-er?

Ruby: Ple-se! Wa-...-p!

Y/N could feel shaking, but it felt miles away.

Ozpin: -see. -need to hur-

Ruby: Plea- Stay Alive!

Y/N could briefly see a white light before seeing dark once more.

Y/N: It's...no...use...consciousness...fading...

??? [childish voice]: You can't die just yet. So don't worry so much. You won't die.


Y/N wakes up in a sick-bay area. Y/N grabs his head, groaning.

Y/N: Damn, this feels like a bi-

???: Y/N?

Y/N turns to face Ruby in the medical area's doorway, holding something. She immediately drops it and tackles Y/N, sobbing into his chest.

Ruby [in between sobs]: You're Alive! You're alive.

Y/N: *puts hand onto her head, rubbing her hair* I'm fine Ruby...I'm fine.

Y/N hears lots of footsteps thundering towards the door.

Y/N: ...Oh no.

The door gets shoved open, showing everyone with Yang leading the charge. They see Y/N holding Ruby's head while she's crying.

Y/N: *nervous chuckle and waves with free hand* Hey guys. How have you been.

Silence is held, the only noise being Ruby's sobs. Y/N sees Ozpin and Glynda walk through everyone.

Ozpin [concerned]: Do you feel okay? Anything busted or hurt?

Y/N: I'm fine...if you don't count my hunger, thirst, and huge pain from all over my body, especially since a little rose is hugging a bit too tight.

Ruby: *let's go & looks at him* I'm sorry.

Y/N: *smiles and brings her head to his chest again* It's fine. I'm pretty sure I've worried you all.

Yang: *walks next to Ozpin* You have no idea. For the past two days, the only thing that had let us know you were still alive was the constant of blood that you would puke up.

Y/N: That explains the hunger and thirst. That also is probably why my mouth feels so tart. *rubs mouth*

Yang: This Isn't A Laughing Matter! *Ruby jumps, getting off of Y/N* You could have died! People who could heal others and their aura were sent here and do you know what they said!? *Y/N shakes his head* 'We can't help him. It will be a miracle if he can open his eyes again.' And that was the nicer way to put things!!! *tears well up in eyes* You made a promise to Ruby that you wouldn't go headfirst into danger and get yourself killed. You said that you would run away if you stood no chance. *Y/N looks down* You should look in the mirror and still try to say you're fine. *tears stream down face*

Everyone looks down except Glynda and Ozpin. Y/N finds his voice to speak.

Y/N: Yang, I never broke my promise to Ruby, nor was I arrogant. I promised her that if I had a zero percent chance of winning, I would run away. That, Dullahan? Yeah, it was strong and I could have died. I know that and still went, which could count as breaking my promise, but there must be exceptions and compromises or nothing will get anywhere. *looks at Yang* It was coming for us, and I wasn't going to let that thing hurt anyone. Even if it was Cardin, I would protect him.

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