A Meeting of Ice, Wind, Shadow, and Fire: Part 1

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(Author Note - The title for this chapter may sound weird, but you'll find out soon enough. Also, the Main Character [MC] doesn't know what Dust or Grimm are, should point that out. Anyways Enjoy! :D)

Y/N came back with another hefty haul, dragging two deer by their legs. He drops them off at the cave and heads to a mound of dirt near a waterfall, around 20 yards south from home. On the way, he grabs flowers of different shades and kneels in front of the makeshift grave.

Y/N: Hey mom, it's been 10 years since you left. I went hunting again and hunted some extra game. It's because I'll be 17 tomorrow and I plan on having a feast.

Y/N laughs momentarily, eyelids slightly twitching.

Y/N: I miss you a lot, I really do...Oh! I forgot, something happens every year. Groups of people, that have characteristics like you, get launched into this forest. Then they try and survive and get to that old temple we passed by. I don't know if they have seen me or not but I always hid if I feel like they've spotted me.

Y/N starts to get teary.

Y/N [voice breaking]: I-it's been lo-lonely without yo-you ma-mom. *sniff* I mi-miss you. 

(Okay, so the asterisk means they are doing an action and I don't want to break their dialogue. This could be if they are talking to another person or doing a simple task to be more immersed I guess. Anyways back to the story.)

Y/N couldn't take it and tears started to flow. Dropping the flowers at the mound, he turns back to the cave, hiccuping along the way. After a hour of crying, he gets up and starts to prep the meat for cooking while reflecting the years.

Y/N: I can't believe it's already been 10 years. So much has happened. I learnt a method of crushing those crystals to dust without exploding myself finally. *chuckles while gutting deer 1* It's strange how you can find them. Water sources, deep caverns, even just in the ground. If I couldn't smell them out, then I would have ran out of bullets for the gun mode.

Y/N divides up the cuts into two piles: trash and ready for cooking. He drags deer 2 and starts to skin it.

Y/N: At least I'm good at using the blade in case something happens and... *he looks over at the pouch* ...I made an emergency getaway dust.

Y/N continues his work, now sticking meat to wood pieces of reasonable proportions. He then lifts one big chunk over the fire he created to let it roast.

Y/N [smirking]: Took many trials and explosions, but I found the perfect mixture of red and blue dust to make smoke, two red crystals for every one and a half blue crystal. Perfect for running away from danger or just blindsiding enemies.

Suddenly, Y/N's ears perk up.

Y/N [raising head]: Hm? Seems like they are preparing for, what did they call it, oh! Initiation.

Far off from the cave, Y/N hears the ensuing conversation of a man and woman from the comforts of his cave. (Mind you the sun is setting.)

Woman: The pieces are in place and everything is set up for tomorrow's initiation.

Y/N heard the sound of someone sipping a drink.

Man: Good. I have a feeling this will be a lively year with the newcomers who are trying out.

Woman: I do have a question though.

A brief silence was held.

Woman: Why did you allow that 16 year old girl to try out. That's 2 years ahead! She's still a child and doing this could get her killed!

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