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Why would he do that to me ? Those questions couldn't escape my mind and it keep bothering me for the past 5 days . It's crazy to think that we had it all when he thinks I'm not fit for him .

My crying session is interrupt by a knock on the door but I remain on my spot , hoping whoever it was will just go away . However the knocks continue and I just give up because it bothers me .

" What ? " I swing the door open , revealing my cousin . One and only the famous Elsiah Tomlinson .

" Don't what me . You have been skipping works , didn't answer my calls or my texts . I was worried you are rotting to death . " she empasized the word works , calls and texts , crossing her arms over her chest , looking deadly serious .

" I'm alive now go away . " I really need to go back to my mourning , crying session .

" But you looked like a dying zombie for god sake . You need helps . " she wants to come in but I just block her way .

" I said go away . " almost manage to shut the door , suddenly she calls for back-up .

" Boys . " I know what it means . The whole One Direction band is going to see me - like she said the dying zombie .

Sure enough , there is five hot looking boys right infront of us . Louis is carrying Scarlette in his arms watch the rest of his bandmates try block the door . Me against 4 boys ? Not a chance .

Not only that . Harry suddenly thinks it was a great idea to carry me up bridal styles .

" This place is dead . " Niall commented , stepping in after Harry who is currently carrying me in his arms .

" Thank you Niall and let me go Harry ! " I yelled the last part , wiggling in his arms .

" There you go . " he throw me on the couch before looking around the place .

" Listen Adele . You are killing yourself slowly and as your awesome amazing cousin , I won't let it happen . " here comes the briliant idea .

" We gonna put you on a blind date so that you could see there is much more than Josh Anderson . " by now , all of them standing right infront of me like some sort of Avengers . With a 2 years old baby .

" I don't think she is up for another date . " Liam glanced between me and Elsiah , stated his opinion .

" And why is that ? " I am so jealous to see Louis defending his wife when Liam is right . I am so not up for another date .

" Mate , she is heart-broken and I doubt she will be able to try seeing someone in this time . " Zayn , the most quiet one butt in .

" It's not like a real date . It's most like a rebound date . We set her up with someone we really know and then when she is fine , she is free to find the love again . " Elsiah reasoned out , making victorious faces like she is proud with herself .

" Tell me how did I get so lucky to have these smart a .. "

" Words Louis . Scarlette is here . " she scolded him , pecking his lips while Scarlette remain oblivious to the world .

" You did know that your bandmate's husband and your cousin is in the same room too right ? " Harry speak up , done with his Avenger wannabe act and sit down next to me .

" Of course I'm aware of that Harry . " Elsiah rolled her eyes .

" Back to the topic . Why don't we just vote and which plan get the most vote wins . " Liam suggested and I give him a look .

" You think this is some award ? It's my heart on the line . "

" Fine , let's just vote . Who agreed that we should let Adele recover by herself raise your hand please . " Louis said in a serious fake tone , glancing at each and everyone of us .

Liam and Zayn both raised their hand while others remain still in their position .

" Two votes . Who agreed that we should set up a date for Adele and help her love again raise your hand please . " Elsiah raised her hand eagerly with Louis .

" Niall , why didn't you vote ? " Louis dropped his hand , eyes darting towards Niall .

" Because you all are my bestfriend and I don't want to choose side . " awe , he is so sweet . Why can't I just date him instead ?

" Are you serious right now Niall ? You vote do count because we are kinda tie over here . " Louis and his sass attitude never fail to make me laugh so fair enough if I let out a small chuckles .

" I don't think I have the right to say in Adele's life but Elsiah is right . She needs some rebound date to pull her back up . I was kinda in dilemma in here . " Niall pouted .

" So are you not going to vote for any side now ? " Louis raised his eyebrow .

" Can I just vote which side is going to win ? " Louis groaned while Elsiah faceplam herself .

" Seriously Niall ? This is not a soccer game . " Elsiah retorted .

" Fine . I vote for none of the side . " fair enough .

" So Harry , did you want to vote or you will just confused us like Niall ? " all eyes are on Harry now including mine .

" Actually good things only come if we work for it and I'm going to choose Louis and Elsiah's side . " well , thank you Harry .

" Say the man who dated almost every girls he meet . " he is charming and so but I don't like him . End of discussion .

" At least I don't need the whole forces to help me get over the heart break . " he did not just say that .

" Maybe it is because I do love someone instead of playing around . Ever think of that ? " I fires back .

" Or maybe I am a lot tougher that you . Ever consider that ? " he mocked me back . I was about to come with a smart comeback but Elsiah cut me off .

" Enough . Both of you ! " she rub her temple , clearly get a headache because of us .

" So now we have to think about who is going to be her date . "

" Actually , I have much better idea . How about Josh Devine , our drummer ? " they seems to think about it before they all nod in unison .

" Devine is it . Now , let's do this . " this might sounds good but with Harry around , it will cause a disaster .

I'm sorry I haven't update soon . Caught up with flu :(

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