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Something or rather someone shake my body with every forces they had and my eyes shot open immediately . My gaze landed on a very confused Louis Tomlinson who happened to be the source of the shaking .

" This is the second time I ever caught you two sleeping together . " he said out loud , standing up straight .

" You two ? " I narrowed my eyebrows at him , couldn't really figure out what he talked about until my mind do a little flashback .

Drunk Harry is very annoying but honest Harry , something new that I learnt about my partner in crime .

He promised that he will stop at the third shots but somehow he keep going until he puke at the bartender . Let's just say the man isn't really happy about it and kicked us out .

If you think Harry is light as the feather , you are wrong . He might has skinny legs but his weight isn't as skinny as his appearance and trust me , it was a hell to bring him back to his apartment .

" You are freaking elephant in that skinny human form . " I complaint although I know he won't remember about this in the morning .

" I'm light as the air . " Harry pouted , trying to sit up but I push him back to laying position .

" The only light body part of yours is your hair . " if you ever count that .

" You are funny Adele . You should audition for something . "

" As in what ? British Got Talent ? " he give me a blank face as his lips lightly open .

" Nevermind Harry . Just go to sleep . " I shushed him , motion him to go to bed but he won't make it easy for me .

" I was thinking about X-Factor but I didn't know if you could sing . Can you sing ? " and can you go to sleep already ?

" No Harry . I can't sing like you . " I pull the sheet until it reaches his chin before he trash it away .

" Did you ever learn how to sing ? I mean everybody has some hidden talent . " and I just discovered yours . It's called annoyed Adele until her last breath .

" I'm not discussing this with you Harry . Just close your eyes okay . " wow , I sound like a mother .

" Eyes . I like your eyes . " can I knock him out already because the alcohol seriously takes time to do that .

" Harry . "

" You have that kind of eyes that I want to wake up to every morning . " at first I thought he is bluffing but drunk people always speak the truth .

" Want to know what I think ? " I shake my head , ready to leave him babbling to himself .

" I think Josh is an idiot for ever letting you go . Everytime I saw him , my mind couldn't stop screaming how loser he is being . " wow , should I take that as a compliment ? Yeah , I guess I will .

" Just go to sleep okay Harry . "

" You are pretty . " if Harry is sober right now , he would rather die than say those words to me .

" Harry , "

Will you stay with me ?
Cause you all I need

He suddenly sings those to me , doing his puppy dog eyes . I was hesitate but give in with his request . It's not like I have an option when he pull me to lay besides him . Nope , cut that . He pull me to lay on top of him .

" Adele ? " he is now on his knee , his face is the same level as mine .

" Uh , he was drunk last night and .. "

" Get off me you freak . " Harry suddenly yelled , pushing me away before he jump from the bed .

" Louis , what are .. "

" Just get some shower . We are late for the interview . " Louis said sternly , not torning his gaze away from me .

" Okay . " was all his reply as he dissappear from my sight .

" Louis , look . Nothing happen okay . " he looks like he was about to bite off my head in any moments now .

" It wasn't him that I worried about . It was you . " he stand up before taking a seat at the edge of Harry's bed .

" Want to know why I never agreed to this crashing wedding thing ? " he asked out loud , staring at the wall infront of him .

" Because you don't want to let Harry gets into trouble ? " he did said that before .

" No Adele . That is not my first concern because we are One Direction . We gets into trouble all the time . " so what is it ?

" What are you saying Louis ? " I asked nervously , don't know how to react for his answer .

" Harry has this crazy charms over women . Sometimes he likes to give a wrong hint when he don't really feels the same like what he is leading on . " I never know that before .

" If you are afraid I might falls for him then you are wrong Louis . My eyes fixed on only one man . " am I ?

" I have known him for what , 6 years now and trust me , you will fall for him . It's just matter of time . "

" Then thank you for misjudged me but I am not ordinary girl . " I snapped , out of nowhere .

" Don't you get it ? I just want to protect you Adele because you are like my own cousin and I don't want to stuck between my bandmate and my cousin's dilemma in case anything turns out wrong . " his eyes search for mine and I could feel his brotherhood side on me .

" Harry is sweet to almost everyone , even to his ex and I don't want you to have feelings for him when he don't feels the same . I don't want you to get hurt . " something tells me that it was too late but I brushed it off .

" Just promise me you won't do anything that will cause you pain in the future . Promise me that no matter what happen , you will never falls for Harry Styles . " I bite my tongue , hesitate on my next move but I nod anyway .

" I promise I won't fall for Harry Styles . " finally Louis flash me a smile before he stands up .

" Don't get me wrong but I just want to see you happy . I could guess that you are looking for serious relationship and Harry couldn't give you that . He is too young and different . Just don't do stupid things okay . " again I nod as Louis patted my shoulder .

Right now my mind is too clouded to even think about anything to speak back . All I know is I have to listen to Louis even deep down it was a little too late .

I have to brings this up . The Naughty Boy war with my baby Louis Tomlinson is crazy .

Honestly I started to understand Zayn but when he tweeted those words to Louis , it just crash my heart . All my mind could think is why would he choose someone he barely know from his brother for 5 years ?

It's getting crazy but I am glad Louis always there to defended us , the fans so shoutout to Louis Tomlinson for being such a great man .

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