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With one day timing , I managed to change my old apartment looks to brand new kind of looks . I did rearrange almost everything and I hope he is going to be okay with this . I don't know what to expect when I barely know him but this will have to do for now .

I was anxiously waiting for him to arrive since he insisted to get here by himself . He don't want to cause me any trouble and I think it was a nice of him to ever think about my condition . Although it's not trouble at all .

Out of nowhere , my phone ringing . I was expecting Dallas but instead it was Styles . With one finger slide , I answer his call .

" Hey . " he beats me up with the greeting .

" Hello Harry . " my eyes couldn't stop glancing at the door .

" Has Cameron arrive yet ? " oh , he called to ask about his friend instead of me . What should I expect ?

" His flight has landed half hour ago based on the schedule he gave me but he isn't here yet . " I reply as I am pacing back and forth .

" Oh . He will be there soon . " I nod although he can't see me .

We both fall into a complete silent . I don't know what to say while Harry didn't say anything else . I could hear his breathing sound from the other line and that's trigger some memory where he used to pull me close to his chest .

" Adele , I need to tell you .. " I zone out from his full sentence as my ears catch some knocking sound .

" He is here . " I mumble to myself and accidently to Harry since he is still on the line .

" I'm gonna go . "

" No , just hold on . " I really want to know what Harry has to say since he sounds so nervous about it .

With a quick steps , I reach the front door and twist the knob open . Cameron is there , standing right on the other side with his luggage . I never ask how long he is going to be here but judging by the package he got , seems like a long time .

" Hey . " he greeted me with a smile on his face and he looks much better than online .

" Hey . Come in . " I give him some space and he get inside . Slowly I close the door behind us as I stare at him awkwardly .

Harry's breathing sound reminds me that he is still waiting for me in the other line .

" Harry is on the line . Let me talk to him first . " I say politely , receive a nod from Cameron .

" Okay Harry . What did you want to tell me ? " I glance down at my feets , not wanting for Cameron to think that I'm staring at him .

" Nothing important really . Just let me talk to Cameron . " I was dissapointed with his reply but I pass the phone anyway .

" Harry wants to talk to you . " I explained as I see Cameron raise his eyebrow at the phone on my hand .

Cameron takes it and our fingers touches for a second . He glance down at my hand before he put my phone at his ear .

" What's up mate ? " he said in a fake British accent and it sounds horrible I must say .

" Yup , just arrived . The flight isn't that bad . " he pointed toward the living room and I just nod .

I stand awkwardly at my spot as I was debating if I should follow him or not . Stick with the latter , I figure he will talk infront of me if he wants me to hear the whole conversation . But what if he wants me to be there with him ?

He seems to talk in much lower tone and I didn't stay on my spot for that long before I followed his footsteps . Just before I reach where he is standing , I could hear him clearly .

" Don't deny your feelings and don't worry . I got her . " what does he means by deny Harry's feelings ? Does Harry worry about me ?

" Here's your phone . " he is standing right infront of me , smile never leave his face .

" Thanks . " here comes the awkward situation again . Why everything has to be so awkward ?

" Uh , can you give me some tour ? I don't want to go into places that you don't want me to . " I chuckles at his polite statement .

" My place is not that big and trust me , I have nothing to hide . Why would you say that ? " he shrugged , looking more adorable as ever .

" Well , girls have their own privacy and I respect that . Have too since I've been living with two most picky private females ever . " does everybody in California so nice like this or it was just him ?

" I don't have some private area but I'm up for the tour . " although it is just a normal apartment .

" Ladies first . " he hold his hand up , motion me to walk first .

" I figure you have found the living room so we will skip that part . " I pointed at the living room and move on with the balcony .

" This is my balcony . Don't worry , I have jump on this multiple times before so it's fine to just stand here and watch the moon at night . " we stand there about a whole minutes before I motion for us to check the room .

" I have three bedroom and one bathroom . The first door near the kitchen is the store room . Second door is your room and the last one is my room . " for no reason , I lift his finger to point at the bathroom .

" And that's the bathroom . " he seems didn't mind with me touching him and that tells me one thing . He gets girls to touch her all the time so he kinda used to it .

I mend to overthink about something . I basically know someone based on their reaction towards something . Well , it's not 100 percent accurate but it does tell me a little bit .

" That's all with the tour I guess . Not much to show anyway . " I let go of his finger and it falls back to his side .

" Thanks for spending some times to do the tour . I just need 5 minutes to unpack and we are good to go . " I stare at him in disbelieve .

" Go where ? I was expecting you to have jet lag and just want to lay around until you recover . "

" I don't want to spend the rest of the day in bed and jet lag don't bothers me anyway . " okay then .

" Take your time and I'll be here when you are ready . " he nod , going back to where he left his luggage and do some unpack while I stand at the middle of the hallway , unsure what to do next .

Wedding Crasher - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now