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I never say yes to the rebound date they set up for me so they couldn't blame me if I did screw it up just a little bit right ? Don't get me wrong , Josh Devine is a nice guy as far as I checked but he has the same first name as my ex .

I mean , can you date someone to get over someone else that has the damn first name ? Not for me , that's for sure . Instead of going with my best dress , I just decided to go with my worst outfit .

And here I am , with some ripped skinny jeans and just some loose t-shirt , getting a never ending nag from Elsiah for screwing up the date .

" What do you want for dinner ? " Josh asked as he is driving over the town for some place to settle in .

" Uh , I always wanted to taste the sushi . " I faked cheerly tone with my made up weird accent . I did meet Josh before but I'm sure he won't notice my attempt to make the weird accent .

" Sushi sounds great but I'm allergy to seafood . " I nod , have a great plan in my head .

" Oh , don't be silly . They have other type of sushi who doesn't involve a seafood . " it was weird he didn't point out how I sound so not normal .

" Are you sure about that ? I don't want to spend my night at the hospital . " you are not so lucky since we have a different kind of mind .

" I'm so sure . " not .

" Does Sushi King sounds okay ? "

" Sounds perfect . " Josh pull over and I didn't wait for any longer when I jump out from the truck he had .

" Hurry up Josh . I'm dead hungry . " I whine , stomping my feet like a child . According to Josh my ex , man don't like when a girl do that .

" Okay . You look cute when you do that . " I give him a weird look .

" Now , come on . " he copy my move , stomping his feets all the way to the restaurant .

He literally guide me to enter the Sushi King and now I am not as excited as I am before . Because first I never try another food like sushi before and second I'm not sure if I should cause him to have allergy .

" Are you alright ? " I nod , feeling guilty with my plan .

" Sit here . " he pull the stool for me before sitting besides me and trust me , he don't do it for his reputation like Josh did .

" Just letting you know that I never try any of this before . " I admitted shyly . Maybe I should try another plan or maybe I should stick to Elsiah's plan .

" The waiter is going to serve us and we can choose from the menu . It has different kind of sushi that kinda hard to pronounce . " Josh explained earning an eyebrow raise from me .

" Good evening . " a Asian girl came and greeted us , placing a menu infront of us .

" Call any of us if you are ready to order . " the girl waited for our nod before she leaves .

" Basically they serve most of the sushi with seafood which I'm allergic too but we can also choose what not to put inside the sushi . It's like it was made special for us . " Josh explained futher and I was amused .

" I thought you don't eat sushi ? " I questioned out loud .

" Just because I can't eat them doesn't mean I don't eat them . " he smile up at me .

" And that doesn't mean I don't know how to eat them . " he continue , not once look like he is bragging about his knowledge like somes did .

" I think we can order now . " and I hope I didn't embarress myself by wrong pronounce of the name .

" Okay . " Josh raised his hand , motion for the same waiter to come back .

" Ready to order ? "

" I know you serve all seafood kind of sushi here but I am allergy to that so mind if you didn't put any seafood in mine ? " the waiter nod , don't seems weird with his request .

" I'll just get the tamaki without any seafood . " Josh ordered casually and I was panicking a little because I know it was my turn to order . Cursed my idea to bring him here .

" I'll get the same with the seafood . " there , a lot easier . Thank you Josh Devine , the drummer of One Direction .

" Okay , your order is coming right up . " well , little did I know that the waiter mix our order and the rest is history .

" Can't believe you sent Josh to the hospital in one night date . Are you insane ? " I huffed , throwing my gaze out of the window .

" Answer me Adele Jackson Fox . " she did not just use my full name .

" Are you serious right now ? Using my full name against me ? " I could feel her eyes burning holes at my body without seeing it clearly .

" I am dead serious . He could die for god sake Adele . " okay , now she is over reacting .

" He just take a bite . It won't kill him . " I rolled my eyes although Elsiah couldn't see it .

" And I'm here trying to convince my cousin to have a rebound which turned into complete disaster . " not completely but maybe just a little bit tiny piece of disaster .

" I'm sorry . Sure I want him to have allergy but he .. "

" You what ? You planned it ? " Elsiah cutted me off with a snap tone .

" Look , sure I did planned it but I couldn't do it because he is not a jerk and the waiter misplaced our order . " I defended myself . Yup , I am caught guilty for planning but I didn't do it . It was misunderstanding .

" They have show tomorrow Adele . What are you thinking ? " not that for sure .

" I'm sorry okay . " I repeat and I mean it .

Suddenly Louis's voice echo the car , signalling it was Elsiah's phone .

" You never changed that ? " sure Louis has a great voice but his voice appear out of nowhere and it could get a little creepy .

" Don't judge . " she wear her earphone and slide the green button .

" Yes Harry . "

" What ? How long it's going to take for Josh to recover ? "

" Okay . I'll let her know . " I know they were talking to me when Elsiah sent me a glance .

" Hey Adele . " I hummed as a respond .

" I hope you know how to hit a drum kit . " what ? Nooooooo

Poor Josh . He is sweet boy

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