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To say I was mad is okay I guess when this crazy things happened . To be honest , I never bash her out on public even I did screw up with her hair and her dress but it doesn't count if she didn't know it was me right ?

Anyway , as I was saying Nadine is so rude to me . What to know what happened ? Here is a little flashback .

I was walking down the streets because I need some air . I try to sit down on my apartment but the silent is driving me crazy so with my earphone and my music library , I choose to take a walk around the city .

I was in a peace mood when suddenly someone or I should say Nadine bump into me . To make it even worst , she ' accidently ' spill her hot Starbucks coffee on my shirt . How did I know that ? It because she pour it on me after she saw who I am .

" Oh I'm sorry . " I know it was a fake . I'm not a kid .

" Sorry for pouring your drink on me ? Why would you do that on the first place ? " I snapped back , trying to pull my shirt so that it won't burn my skin .

" It was an accident . " she exclaimed , faking shocked with my accusation .

" Oh , so your hand suddenly wants to go against you ? " I snorted .

" Why are you acting so rude ? Are you mad I was about to marry your ex ? " so , she did do it on purpose .

I want to say back some comeback really badly but my mouth didn't say anything . My body froze at the mention of Josh .

" Sorry I'm a bit more beautiful until he choose me . Did I mention that we started seeing each other when you are still dating him ? " I really want to jump on her and pulled her green dye hair but I keep reminding myself that we are in public .

In fact , there is a crowd that started to form around us . If I attack first , the blame is on me so I choose to walk away with some devil plan in my mind .

In case I couldn't think that things might get even worst , I was wrong . Josh decided it was a right time to show up and guess what ? He care more about Nadine than me who clearly has coffee all over my white shirt .

" Adele , I was expecting you to act more mature . " why he has to put the blame on me ? I'm the victim here .

" Josh , in case you didn't notice I had .. "

" It was an accident and she seems to hate me for that . " hell yeah . I even started to hate you before this accident Capital B that end with letter H .

" Are you gonna make scene out of this ? " fine , I see how this goes . He is trying to act protective infront of the people watching us right now .

" You gonna come back and find me when you realized who she really is . " I spatted , turning around on my heels and walk away .

Do you have feelings that you hate someone so much until you couldn't sit down before you crash something off ? That's how I feel right now .

I couldn't just stand by , holding myself back when all I want is do some rebel moves . Rebel moves as in meaning I'm now at Nadine's apartment with my baseball bat I just bought .

Blasting on Since You Been Gone on my earphone , I have crash 50 percent of her apartment and I am so far from done . Her living room is a mess right now and now I am trashing her bedroom .

But since you been gone
I can breath for the first time

Picture frame - checked .

I'm so moving on
Yeah yeah
Thanks to you
Now I get what I want

Bedframe and pillow - checked

Suddenly out of nowhere , my feet step into something sharp that send me jumping all over the room like a freaking kangaroo .

And that time , my phone decided to switch the song from Since You Been Gone to Behind This Hazel Eyes both from Kelly Clarkson

Seems like just yesterday
You are apart of me
I used to stand to tall
I used to be so strong

You arms around me tight
Everything felt so right
Unbreakable , like nothing could go wrong

Now I'm can't breath
No I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on

I look from the confident ex to the most weakest ex ever walked on Earth . Few minutes ago I was trashing around the apartment and now I am crying on Nadine's bed with a piece of shredded glass in my skin .

" Adele ? " I looked up to see worry Harry rushing to my side with careful steps .

" Harry . " I whimper , not doing any better now .

" Oh my god , what happened to you ? What happened to this place ? " I really want to snap in his face but my injury is the thing that hold me back .

" I .. "

" Are you crazy ? They could sue you for everything . What are you thinking ? " Harry get on his knee right infront of me , looking closely at my feet .

" I was mad . " I defended myself quietly .

" And you just decided to trash around the apartment ? " his eyes soften when he look up at me .

" You could at least wait for me . " he said with concern .

No Adele , don't fall for him . Remember what Louis told you .

" I'm fine alone as you can see . " I push his hands away and try to stand up but sit down back when I accidently push the glass futher inside my skin .

" Adele . "

" I can do this without your help . " again I push his hands away that is trying to help me up .

" Can you stop trying to be stubborn and at least let me help you ? " he said in a low , dangerous tone .

" I don't want your help . " Harry stand up , taking a few steps back .

" Let's see how far you could go . " he cross his arms over his chest as I try to get up again but fail . Again .

At my third attempt , Harry decided it was the best to came in and help me . He pick me up bridal styles before he bring me out from the half way done trashing apartment of Nadine .

Wedding Crasher - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now