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Just like that , I feels like a came back to alive again . A single kiss could makes all the problem to go away . I try to think about the way Josh used to hurt me before but now , I don't feel pain or afraid anymore .

I feels like I'm free .

" Are you alright ? " I open my eyes that I never reliazed when I do close them as Harry mumble those question close to my mouth .

" Yes . " I am smiling , so does he .

" Do you want to lay here or should we get much comfortable place ? " chuckling , I pull away to sit down .

To think about it now , I am kinda ashamed that I asked Harry to kissed me . But it didn't feels wrong at all . Or maybe because of the unknown song he sang at me .

" Do you want to talk about it now ? " Harry mirrored my move by sitting close to me .

" Yes . " I feel much more confident right now and it all because of one single kiss .

" What is it ? You almost cause me a heart attack . "

" It's about Josh . " I started , not once darting my gaze away from Harry .

" Okay . "

" He used to seeing Nadine while he is still with me . He is cheating on me Harry . " I was expecting me to burst out crying but I didn't . I also expecting Harry to show any shock expression but his face turns blank .

" He cheated on me with the same girl he is about to get marry with . " I repeat myself this time , much more clearer and louder .

" I don't know what to say . " I eyed him curiously , why he seems not too shock to hear this news ?

Or maybe ..

" You know about this ? " I blurt out and his quick panic face says it all .

He knows about this and didn't say anything to me ?

" Adele , I .. "

" How long ? " I demanded , feeling betrayed .

" It doesn't matter Adele . "

" It does matter Harry . It was my heart on the line ! " I raised my voice at the last sentence , didn't really plan to do so but I did .

" Okay , okay . I find out since the first date they had with each other and at that time , you have dating Josh about a month . " he admitted .

That long ? He has know all this time but didn't let a word about it ?

" Nadine stills contact you after the break-up and you finds out from her . " I guessed and silent Harry said yes to me .

This is much worst than what Josh ever done to me . The people who stands and watch the crime to happen without trying to stop it or warn the victim is much more cruel than the criminal himself .

Which in my case , Josh is the criminal and Harry is the person who did nothing to stop it . In my POV , Harry is much more cruel than Josh himself and I just kissed him .

" I'm so sorry Adele . I didn't mean it for you to find out this way . I didn't ever think that you will ever find out because I think it was better this way . "

" The truth hurts but you just killed me with your silent Harry . " I couldn't cope with this fact right now and honestly , it much more painful than my encounter with Josh .

" I did try to give you the hint but you sticked with him . "

" Because I didn't know okay . Sorry I'm so stupid I didn't get the hint and makes myself end up like this . " I fires back , with full of venom .

" Look , I didn't know he will break-up with you . I can't predict the future . "

" And for what reasons did you hide his crime from me ? " I want to know why .

" Man likes to play around and I don't think he is serious with Nadine by the way he treated her . I didn't know okay . " he defended himself but can you forgive him ?

None of his excuses will cure the pain I'm dealing right now .

" And why did you want to trash their wedding when you are the one that cause the wedding to begin in the first place ? " he keeps it silent means he agreed with them together in my opinion .

" Because it wasn't fair for you . I watch you cry and I couldn't push the guilty feelings away . I couldn't stop blaming myself . "

" You regret it when it was too late ? " I asked out loud and he couldn't answer me .

" The past is in the past and there is nothing we could do to bring those back . "

" So easy for you to say that . " I mumble under my breath .

" I know you are mad at me and if .. "

" Let me ask you something . " I brave myself out when all my strength betrayed me right now . Just like Harry did months ago .

" Ask me . "

" Put yourself in my shoes and try to imagine . If I do this to you , will you ever forgive me ? "

" Adele , please don't make this even more complicated . " Harry try to reach for my hand but I push it away . In fact , I did scoot away from him .

" If you were in my place and I was in yours . If I'm the one that have such information that could save you from getting heart-broken but I decided to keep it to myself . " I paused , taking a deep breath as I blink the tears away .

" If I'm the one that choose not to say anything until you cried and feels like you are at the edge of death because your heart couldn't take it anymore , would you will able to forgive me ? " a tear managed to slip away despite my attempt .

Harry stare at my hands , didn't give any respond .

" That's what I thought . " I push myself up , having enough of this in one day .

" Just go Harry . I can't see your face right now . " I start to walk towards my room , hoping I sent Harry a clear message that I don't want him to be here .

Sure he is there when I needed him but he never save me from the first place . It's like he knows the grenade I was holding will explode but he didn't say anything until the grenade did exploded .

He waited until I torn apart before he speaks a word and tell me if you could forgive him when I don't .

This is the exact incident that used to happened to me a while ago and all those feelings in here is based on what I feel that time xx A

Wedding Crasher - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now