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When you are so genius in planning something , make sure you have the bravery to make it happen . Especially when it comes to ruin someone relationship . Don't back away like I did .

" What do you mean you won't do this ? " Harry seems furious , sitting infront of me with his back facing me .

" I don't know . I have second thought right now . " I admitted , just wanted to get home and cry maybe .

" Are you serious ? We are already here . " Harry point out .

" They might see us Harry and we will get caught . " I reasoned out , glancing around us .

In case you have no idea where are we right now , we are sitting on Harry's bike . A block away from Nadine's building .

" This is a free country Adele . We have every right to be here . " I could imagine Harry rolling his eyes now .

" You should see her face when her hair turns out green . She is so not happy Harry . " yup , we already done the ' Worst Hair Day ' part .

" In case you forget , that's the point . We are here to ruin her hair , not making her happy with her hair . " Harry speak with full sarcasm in his tone .

" I don't know Harry . This seems wrong . "

" Do you want to see them get married Adele ? " Harry look past his shoulder , eyes meeting mine .

" No . "

" Great . Glad we have the same mind . So do both of us the favor by stop worrying . " something caught my eyes and I instantly pat his shoulder .

" He's here . " I whisper at Harry for no reason at all since he is still in his car and we are in a good distance .

" Okay , now calm down and pretend that I'm sending you home . Get off the bike . " I was confused with his instruction but obey it anyway .

Harry keep his helmet on , pretending to hold my hand as he get off his bike . We walk side by side , hand in hand and those weird feelings came back . As soon as I realized how close we are with Josh , I started to get panic .

" Calm down . You are going to give us some attention . " he scolded me in a gentle tone , squeezing my hand lightly .

Soon we are a few steps away from Josh who is currently typing away in his phone , oblivious with our present . As I expected , he put his phone to his ear .

" Where are you ? " Josh seems starting to loose his temper . He hates waiting and expect everyone to follow his timing .

" What do you mean you had a bad hair day ? Didn't you go to the stylist earlier ? " all the matter for him is himself , no one else worth more that him and it was obvious in his tone .

" Listen up Nad , I have an important dinner with one of my biggest client from Asia and don't you dare let your hair screw this up for me . " typical Josh .

" Are you saying that you won't go with me just because of your hair ? Did you just choose your hair over me ? " he questioned out loud , something that I'm very fimilliar with .

It's just a puppy , get over it . I got some meeting to attend .

Did you just called me to tell me about your broken car ? Did I look like a mechanic to you ?

Your friends can wait . I have much bigger things to do and I need you there .

I'm your boyfriend for god sake . Are you saying that you just let me down on this important event ?

" Hey , are you alright ? " Harry snapped me from my deep thought and I realized that my eyes starting to get blurry .

" I'm fine . " I lied . It wasn't fine . All the pressure when I'm with Josh come back and I just feeling stress out .

" She is here . " Harry informed me , twisting my body so I am facing him .

" It doesn't look that bad . You are just over reacting . " someone will never change .

" I looked like a freaking Shrek and you tell me that I'm over reacting ? " she snapped , putting her hands on her hip .

" Sure you does . You should consider re-dye it or something if you didn't like it . " I feel like those words are dedicated towards me and it still hurts although I know it doesn't .

Harry become unexpected when he pull me close to his chest , hugging me .

" Don't you dare cry on me now . " he warned me playfully , managed to put a smile on my face .

" Stop making things like it was such a big deal . Come on , we are running late . " from the corner of my eyes , I could see Nadine stomping her feets towards Josh's car as Josh rolled his eyes .

" Stop acting like a child . You annoyed me . " I gripped Harry's shirt tighter , buried my face at his chest completely .

Sometime I wish Josh is a bit nicer to me , tells me how beautiful I look even I think I'm the most ugliest person in the Earth . He seems don't care about other's feelings unless you are making money with him .

" Do you need to go back now or should we continue on this mission ? " Harry asked , not moving away from our current position .

" I think I'll be fine . " I can try .

" Don't be stupid . Let's just get something to eat and hit home . " Harry insist , pulling away .

" I think we had enough for one day . We will came out with something else okay . " I don't know if he really wants to see me okay or he just looking for a point to bug me later on but he is being so caring right now .

" I just want to see how it goes . " did we managed to shake up the things ?

" I'm sure we did mess up with a relationship a bit today . Besides that I'm hungry . " he take my hand , pulling me gently towards his bike .

" It was hard to be a full time boyband and part time wedding crasher . " he whine , getting closer to his bike .

" It was your idea after all . " I blurt out .

" And it was for you . " he think I didn't listen to it but he was wrong . I did listen to it but I was too clouded to pick a fight with him now .

Why he said that is beyond me . I don't really know if he really mean it but if he did , what does that really mean ? It was a hell lot confusing that a math solution and I decided not to give my brain more works .

Wedding Crasher - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now