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I thought my cut wasn't that serious but when Harry rushed me to the hospital , I found out that I need some stiches and let me tell you something . I hate needles with every single bone I had .

I spend 10 minutes , fighting with the nurse and Harry . I did put up some fight until Harry said that he will tell Elsiah about what I have done . I don't have to guess to know that it will gives me hell because I know Elsiah .

" And we are done . " the nurse removed the gloves from her hands and toss it into the yellow dustbin .

" You could stop squeezing my hand now . " I made an O shape with my mouth as I let go of Harry now pale hand .

" You should wait until she deliver the baby . She gonna crash your bone . " the nurse chuckles while me and Harry exchange glances .

" Uh , we are .. "

" I'll take that as a note . " Harry cut me off .

" But you two make a great couple . I wish for the best . Back to the business , avoid putting much pressure on your cut and avoid getting it wet with water . I'm gonna go and get your medication and you are free to go . " can thing became more awkward ?

" Thank you Natasha . " how the hell , oh she has her nametag on . I was thinking that he did flirt with her when I wasn't looking .

Wait . Why should I care ?

" Did you listen to what I just said ? " Harry wave his hand infront of my face .

" I heard you said thanks to the nurse . " I shrugged , acting like it wasn't a big deal when myself don't know how I really feel about that .

" And then I said how stupid you are after she left . " oh , I didn't hear that part .

" So you are admitting that you just called me stupid ? " sounds like typical Harry .

" Yes I did . Want to know why ? " even if I say no , he is going to brush it on my face anyway so I nod .

" Because you for no reason whatsoever trash Nadine's apartment . What are you thinking ? She could put you in jail just with a blink of the eyes . " he is angry but I could see some concern hint in his tone .

" I am a big girl . I could take care of myself . " I defended myself .

" Still you have no right to invading her property . " now he seems annoyed and angry . Harry is so confusing sometimes .

" You don't know why I did it so don't judge me . " I thought we were a partner in crime .

" Is that so ? Then please enlight me on what reason do you think it was the best to just go and trash someone's apartment . " for some reason my mind keep whispering things that make Harry looks like he is defending Nadine .

That makes him just like Josh and I know whatever it is , he will still choose Nadine over me because that is what Josh did . I don't even know if he will ever come back to me now .

" Are you gonna say something ? " I look down at my lap as I feel unwanted and so small right now .

" No . " I mumble under my breath .

" And why is that ? " his finger under my chin , lifting my face up .

" Tell me why would you do such things to Nadine . Tell me now . " he demand harshly and the words somehow cut me like a knife .

He is going to choose his ex over me . No matter what , I am still going to be the evil one in his eyes .

" It won't change what you think about me anyway so why does it bothers you ? "

" Because I'm trying to protect you for god sake . People saw you breaking into her apartment and she could press some serious charges on you . " Harry said seriously , messing with his curly hair making it goes in every direction .

" Let her press the charges . It does not concern you anyway . " he gave me a disbelieve looks .

" Your image is on the line Adele . Once you mess up on the media , people will never forget . " he really sounds like he care but I have to remember what Louis said .

Sometimes he don't mean what he say . He can sounds concern but deep down , he don't give a damn care .

" So be it . " I don't really care about what others has to say about me anyway . They don't know me .

" Did you hit your head somewhere because you does not sounds like yourself right now . "

" And here you are , acting like you know me when I could bet that you don't even know what my favourite colour is . " I bites back .

" Can't you understand the fact that I'm trying to protect you ? I told you twice in the last ten minutes . " I could see he is getting more and more annoying with me right now .

" I am a big girl Harry . I can take care of myself . "

" Fine . Let's see how long you could last without me . Go on . " what does he talks about ? We barely hang out with each other until a week ago .

" Fine . " althought I'm kinda doubt about how I'm supposed to get home now but I am not going to depends on him .

" Don't you dare call me up when you need me . " he warned me , ready to leave the room .

" I never did and never will . " although I highly doubt it .

Harry stares at me for a minute before he walks towards the door . As I was thinking that he is done , I was wrong .

" Your favourite colour is blue because water calms you down the most . You hated pink colour because you think the colour is too girly . " I gasped as he correctly tells me about my favourite colour . He even tell me the reason why I love and hate those colours .

For once in my life , I don't know what to do . Apart of me wants to call out to him but another part is too ego to flash any weakness and I stick for the latter . I watched as he walk away .

Wedding Crasher - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now