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I tapped my foot at the ground , waiting patiently for Jennifer to arrive . We are supposed to meet up here in her favourite ice-cream shop about half hour ago but still no sign of her .

To kill time , I scroll through my twitter timeline over and over again . The #LiamDefenseSquad is trending for some reason and I just let the curiosity get into me as I press to open the hashtag .

I still have no clue about why people are defending Liam but after scrolling through some tweets , I finally get the reason why . Maybe I understand a little bit .

For what I know Directioner is not something you should be messing with . They defense their boys even on slightlest bash tweets and it's crazy to think that about that many people that is going all out to defense the boys .

" Hey Adele . " I almost jump in my seat when Jennifer appear out of nowhere .

Grinning and amuse with my reaction , she slide in the booth right infront of me .

" Thanks . You almost cause me to have a heart attack . " she laugh out loud , don't really care if she attract some attention .

" Oh silly . You are too young to have heart disease . "

" But you don't know if I did . " I teased her .

" I know you don't . Where is the waiter ? "

" Uh . It's self service Jennifer . " I reminded her , stated like it was the most obvious thing .

" How could I forgot ? It's my favourite place . Wait here . " I didn't hace chance to say that I didn't order yet before she slide out from the booth .

" Nevermind . " I huffed , standing up to follow her trail .

Since there are not many people around , we are next in the queue .

" Afternoon ladies . What can I get you ? " Jennifer want to point something out until she realized I was standing besides her .

" Can I get vanilla flavour with some oreo topping ? " she is such a crazy with oreo .

" One scoop or two miss ? " the cashier asked her politely .

" Can you make it three ? I have the sweet tooth . " she grinning innocently while the cashier nod .

" I will just go with your crazy chocolate . One scoop is enough . " he punch our orders at the cash register .

" That will be fifteen . " Jennifer take out her purse while I beat her up to the payment .

" It's my treat . " she made an awe face , wanting to hug me before I gently push her away . Lucky me she get the idea .

" Here's your change and your orders will be serve soon . " we both nod in unison , return back to our previous booth .

" So , I have some great news for you . Are you ready ? " at this point , nothing could ever surpise me anymore . I'm just too tired with drama to care .

" Yes . " I mumble with a bored tone .

" Josh posponed his wedding with Nadine until next year . " Jennifer said cheerly while my face didn't match her expression .

" Okay . "

" Aren't you supposed to be happy to hear that ? A lot more time to change his mind . " I'm not sure if I want the same thing anymore .

" I don't know . " I admitted truthly .

" Something is going on . Come on , spit it out . " she demanded and I know I won't hear the end of it until I tell her the whole story .

" He has been cheating on me at the very beggining . " Jennifer gasped , looking horried .

" What ? "

" He is cheating on me with Nadine when we are still together . " I repeat myself , a lot louder this time .

" That cheating whore . No wonder she keeps showing up at the office a month before you two break up . " please don't tell me that she also know about this more than I do .

" What do you mean ? " please don't give me any reason to put you on the list where Harry is now .

" I saw her once or twice before at the office and that time , I wasn't expecting he is cheating on you . It was very common and nothing suspicious about it . "

" And ? " I demanded for more .

" Well , it just stopped after that until she started to come back . She will show up every afternoon , wanting to see Josh about something and I wasn't expect it would be this serious . " neither do I .

" Should see that coming . " I mumble under my breath , mentally angry with myself for being so stupid .

" But you are okay now right ? I mean you are with Harry right ? " where is that came from ?

" No Jen . I'm not with him . " I'm supposed to be with Cameron but that is another story and I don't want to bring that up .

Another waiter came and put our order at the table but I am to distracted with something else to be craving and digging the ice-cream now .

" Don't lie to me Adele . Like I'm going to believe it . " something about it trigger some anger inside me .

" We are supposed to be friend that has each other back but no , he choose to betrayed me Jen . " I snapped and god knows that I wasn't finished .

" What do you mean ? " she narrowed her eyebrows , confused .

" He knows about the cheating long time ago but he choose to keep it away from me . When he is done torning me apart with his silent , he act like he do nothing wrong . " I spat out those words with venom , hating the way my life turns out to be .

Jen bite her lips , couldn't come out with any comment .

" He can save me in the first place by exposing the cheating scandal but no , he didn't . " he don't even bother to contact me to see if I'm fine and it's hurt like hell .

I throw my gaze out of the window , feeling the hating groe stronger towards Harry .

" Maybe he is trying to protect you . " wrong answer Jennifer .

" Protect me by exposing me to the danger ? Who taught you that ? " I bites back .

" You have to understand that maybe Harry don't have heart to tell you the truth . Maybe at that time , he can't see you torn apart because you are fragile and everyone else could see that . " why everybody keeps standing on his side ?

" I just can't understand why . " maybe I'm too blinded to see .. wait no . He choose his every action and there is no excuses for what he did .

" You have to see this on his point of view . If you were him , and he were you . Would you ever have the heart to tell that his girlfriend is cheating on him when she is the world for him ? Can you do that ? " I have enough of this .

" I'm sorry Jen . I can't do this . I'll talk to you later . " with that I walk away with unfimilliar feelings lingering inside my stomach .

Am I being too harsh on Harry ?

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