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Day 5 as the wedding crasher and so far , we only managed to think about two plans in total 5 days . In case you didn't know , the bad hair day attempt fail completely . We expected some Shrek but she turns out to start a new hair trend .

Yup , you hear me right . Suddenly Nadine gained the confident out of nowhere and just proudly flash her green hair to the media , claiming she want to try an unique kind of hair colour .

They end up scoring the media good attention and the big contract with some Asian company for 5 years because they loved how she is not afraid to try a new thing . The rest is history .

They are getting closer and we are getting , I don't know getting nowhere maybe . Harry is buzy with his schedule , leaving me alone to think about our next move .

" Where the hell is he ? " I mumble under my breath , standing awkwardly at the corner of the hall .

Harry is supposed to be here half hour ago but still I didn't see any sign of him anywhere . The crowd is definately not my kind of crowd but I'm here to watch our next move in action .

We contact Nadine's dress designer and make Nadine's dress a little bit smaller than her actually size . If she decided to go wild tonight , she will torn her dress apart .

It's not my best idea but at least I think about something rather than one of us who only get smart at the beggining . You figure that out . I am talking about that man who doesn't know how to show up in time .

" Hey . " speak of the devil .

He casually put his arm around my waist , glancing at the crowd .

" Where have you been ? You are late . " Harry give me ' Are You Kidding ' kind of look .

" I'm on time in case you didn't notice . " he reply back , pinching my skin causing me to flinch .

" The ball start at 8 pm and you are late . " admitted the truth Harry .

" Actually they came early so don't need to nag at me about being late . " he fits the diva character so well until I was wondering if he is born as a girl .

" Whatever . " I brushed it off , don't find any benefit in this arguement .

" Did you see Josh and Nadine yet ? " he asked , guiding me to approach the crowd .

" They are here somewhere . " I frowned , start to see around .

" Near the stage . " Harry nod towards our right direction and sure enough I would find them .

Josh seems so professional and macho with his appearance but Nadine seems uncomfortable . She keeps glancing down at her dress for the reason only we know .

" The dress looks perfect on her . " I commented . I was expecting to see a fit potato in a bag but I was again dissapointed .

" Maybe but it will tear up soon . " Harry eyes never leave those love birds .

" Maybe we should plan the dress in much smaller size than we did . " what kind of size is much smaller than zero size ? Negetive one maybe .

" Go any smaller and she might wear another dress . Trust me , it will wreck in no time . " Harry paused , bringing us to the DJ booth .

The DJ seems boring as he play those slow ryhme music . He looks like he didn't like this kind of crowd and looking for much more fun but what can I say ? I barely know him .

" Want to know one thing about Nadine ? " Harry smirked up at me , standing right infront the DJ booth .

" What ? " Because I am so interested to know about the woman that is going to marry my ex .

" She never say no to Usher . " Harry catch the DJ's attention making him to lean closer .

Harry whisper something to him and soon he nod with a smile on his face .

" Coming right up sir . " he fake salute Harry and return by a nod . Harry then technically dragged me away from the DJ .

" What did you say to him ? " I really want to know . Is he telling him to play Usher in this kind of event ?

" You'll see . " is his only reply . Soon my thought is comfirmed when Oh My God from Usher blasting around the hall .

" Harry . " he takes my hand and put it around his torso .

" Enjoy the night shall we ? " I glance around and saw the crowd starting to form around us .

When I thought they would stand still and judge the music choice , I was completely wrong . Instead they join us for the complete club dance .

" Loosen up a bit . " Harry whisper right on my ear as he swayed us side to side .

For 4 months I keep getting orders from Josh . Wear this , don't wear that . Behave and don't make any stupid move . Walk like people are judging you in and out . If you pull one stupid move , people will never forget .

But with Harry , it's like I have nothing to worry about . I don't have to fear of feeling that I couldn't fit in . I don't have to be anyone else but myself . It's like doing my life completely another way around .

This makes me start to have second thought . Do I really wants him back ? Elsiah always say that love people who loves you as the way you are but we can't exactly choose who to love right ? Is it my fault that I fall for Josh ?

" Look . " Harry snapped me from my deep thought . I followed his gaze and saw Josh trying to fit in even tho he think this is stupid .

He try to pull Nadine to dance with him while Nadine seems to denial his request . As you didn't know , Josh won't tolerate people go against him so he pull Nadine to the center of the hall .

When Harry start to laugh , I mirror his move because Josh definately looks like a duck among the chicken with his dance move . It looks hell of ugly and for once , I saw his weakness .

Nadine suddenly freeze in her spot while Josh motion her to keep moving to the beats . Only then I realized why .

" Her dress is tearing up . " Harry said out loud and soon the words spread like a fire .

People stop dancing along with the music and all eyes is on half naked Nadine . The crowd started to whisper among themselve while Josh looked unpleasent .

" Sorry you have to see this . " Josh said with a nervous chuckles before he take Nadine's hand and pull her away .

The things only get worst when the dress started to rip further and the only thing that is covered is her upper body that she held to herself .

" Mission complete . So , Starbucks ? " I stare at Harry with a smile before we leave the hall , feeling like a winner .

Wedding Crasher - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now