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" I think I'm going to miss you . " I admitted out loud at Cameron .

It was kinda sad to have him flying back to US when we are having such a great time together . He is the one of the person where I can be weird with without getting judge .

" Don't be like that . I promise I will come back soon . " he caress my cheek gently .

" Okay . Take care . " he smiles , helding his arms out for me to hug him .

Without second thought , I did go and hug him like it was the last time I would see him . Not because I love him . It's because I'm doing what he told me too .

If you want to do something , don't wait for tomorrow or later . Do it at that time .

" I'll text you when I arrived and then we can Skype . If you have any trouble , don't forget to contact me okay . " I nod , happy that I have him anytime I need him .

" Okay . I will . Now go or you will miss your flight . " he left a kisses on my forehead and both of my cheeks before he pulled away .

Carrying his luggage with him , he walk towards the entrance door , not forgetting to give me a last wave of goodbye .

As he dissappear from my sight , I think it was the right time for me to go . Where ? I was thinking somewhere besides my apartment but my body too lazy to walk around so I think I will just hit home .

As I turn on my heels , my eyes widen as I saw who is it standing behind me .

" Adele , I need to talk to you about something . " right now I'm not sure if I want anything to do with him .

" If you are here to bash me out over something , I'm gonna go . " I started to feel that he doesn't worth my time anymore .

" Just hear me out .. "

" No Josh . I don't want to hear you out . We are over and you made it clear for me to see . " I bites back , mocking him completely .

" And how the hell you know that I'm here ? " again I cut him off from saying anything .

My heart is beating fast like I run a marathon when the reality is I'm just came face to face with my ex . One of the dark past I have .

" I followed you here . " that is not something Josh will do .

" Are you stalking me now ? " I accused him , don't care if I hurt his pride .

" Yes but not like the creepy stalker . I just need to talk to you about something . " he insisted and somehow I feels like I got something that could crash him . Like I hold more power than he did which he used to makes me feel when we were together .

" 2 minutes . " he give me ' Are You Serious ' look and I fight the urge to smirk at him .

" You always timing me out when I have something to say and guess what , karma is a bitch . Now the table has turn and you have 2 minutes . Say it now or leave it to yourself . " my confident level boosted to the max level and I feel great .

" First I want to say sorry about what I have done . "

" Not accepted . Moving on . " I cross my hands over my chest , tapping my foot impatiently .

" Look , I don't know what Nadine has said to you but I really want to make things .. "

" Nadine said what to me ? " I cut him off .

" Uh , she didn't say .. "

" Say what to me Anderson ? " I demand harshly , getting even more confused .

Did she try to contact me ? As far as I know she didn't so why Josh seems so afraid of what she might has say to me ?

" Shit . " he cursed under his breath , seems to regret his approach .

" Josh Anderson , I am not going to repeat myself again . What is this that you are hiding from me ? " I received a few glances from the people around us but that doesn't stop the hunger of curiosity I have right now .

" I used to date her when I was dating you . " I inhale a sharp breath , trigger the little flashback .

Did I mention that we started seeing each other when you two is still dating ?

" You were cheating on me . " I reply in disbelieve . How could I forget that before ?

" I never had intention to break up with you but she demands that she miscarriage our child and I don't want to drag you along into this . " out of nowhere , I started to laugh . Not a small laugh no . A big giantic laugh that attract more attention on us .

" That's why you are going to marry her ? " he nod , ashamed with what he has done .

" She throw herself at me and couldn't stop bugging me since then . I'm a man so I couldn't say no . "

" Just like that . " I could feel my heart shattering .

" How many times did you sleep with her when we were together ? " he looked down at his feets .

Silent , nothing came out from him . Not a word .

" I asked how many .. "

" I don't know Adele . I have lost count . " he reply , tone a bit higher from my liking .

" That many ? " what do you expect Adele ?

" The guilty is bugging me and when I see you are happy with someone else , I couldn't help but think that should be me . "

" I agreed . That should be you . " I reply in much softer tone and that makes him to slowly look up at me .

" But you decided it was okay to cheat and you miss the chance . " I take a few steps back , ready to leave .

" Even the star and moon collide , I will never want you back into my life . " que the Demi Lovato's song here .

" And thanks for telling me this . At least I have much better reasons now to keep moving on from you . " with that I walk away , showing confident and strong aspect but inside ..

I'm torning apart

Poor Adeleeeeeeee :(

Wedding Crasher - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now