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As soon as I reach my apartment , I immediately collapse on my knee . My breath stuck between my throat and I was gasping for air . It's seems like I have a heart attack when the only part that is broken is my heart .

I try to breath normally but it do takes time . When I get a little grip on myself , I pull out my phone and call the first name on my 6 missed calls list .

The phone ringing and keep ringing until I almost lost hope that he or she will never answer my call . Key word , almost .

Harry happened to leave a missed call on my phone since he is the one that pick up the call .

" Hello ? " the background on his line is too loud and I doubt he would hear me .

" Harry . " I try to scream but it came out as a whisper instead .

" Wait a minute Adele . I'm gonna go somewhere quiet . " my mind is hoping that he won't take long .

I lay my body on the floor with my phone close to my face besides me as I was trying to catch my breath . Not wanting to miss Harry's voice , I put the speaker on .

" Adele ? Hello ? " the other line is echoing his voice and I has no time to guess where he is .

" Harry . " I called his name weakly , hoping he would get the message that I need him .

" Where were you ? What's wrong ? " too many questions Harry . Too many .

" My .. apartment . Come .. now .. " I sound like I'm at the edge of my life .

" Okay . Calm down . I'm 15 minutes away from your place . Please wait for me . " don't take long , I silently beg .

" I'm on my way now . Don't cut the line . " I scoot lightly so I was facing the phone like it was him .

" Sing . " I demand something that would at least calm me down .

Instead of asking why , Harry obeyed my demand .

Going out tonight
Changed into something red
Her mother , doesn't like that kind of dress
Everything she never had
She's showing off

" Where are you going Harry ? " Liam's yelled at the background , disturbing Harry at his singing attempt .

" Emergency leave . Continue without me . " he yelled back , probably forget that he has his phone near his mouth .

We only getting older baby
And I've been thinking about you lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes

I could hear he started the car before closing the door hard .

Everything that you ever dream off
Dissappearing when you wake up
But there is nothing to afraid off
Even when the night changes
It will never change me and you

" Are you still there ? " he asked , stop singing .

" Y-yes . "

" Sing along so I know you are still there okay ? "

" Okay . " was all my respond as I wait for him to continue singing .

I'm broken
Did you hear me
I'm blinded cause you are everything I see

I'm dancing alone
I'm praying that your heart will just turn around

As I walk up to your door
My head turns to face the floor
Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say

When he opens his arms and hold you close tonight
It's just don't feels right
Cause I can love you more than this

When he lays you down I might just die inside
It's just don't feels right
Cause I can love you more than this
Can love you more than this

His voice sends chill over my spine and I got to breath again . Slowly I close my eyes and left his voice sings to me .

" Hey Adele ? " Harry asked cautionly .

" Yes Harry . " I can answer much better now but my voice still a bit cracking .

" I'm almost there . Just keep holding on . " I didn't respond to him .

A few moments later , he start humming a song which I'm not really fimilliar with

Oh there she goes again
Every morning is the same
You walk on by my house
I wanna call out your name

I want to tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing
You got me thinking what we could be 'cause

I keep craving craving
You didn't know it but it's true
Can't keep my mouth to say the words they want to say to you

This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore
I won't wait I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever

In my dreams you with me
We will be everything I want us to be
And from there , who knows

I could hear he is rushing to get out from his car , closing the door back and lock it .

Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Or is that just me and my imagination

" Almost there . " he whisper softly at me .

We walk , we laugh , we spend our time
Walking by the ocean side
Our hands are gently intertwined
A feeling I just can't describe

All this time I've spend alone
Thinking we could not belong to something so damn beautiful
So damn beautiful

The next thing I hear that my door is swing harshly open and some footsteps approaching me quickly .

" Adele ? Adele ? Talk to me please . " his tone sounds begging as I slowly open my eyes .

" What happened ? Did you get hurt ? What's wrong ? Who is that asshole ? Who hurts you ? " I smiled at all his questions , staring at his worried green eyes .

" Keep .. singing .. " when I saw him , the urge to cry came pushing me to the edge and I let myself to become weak infront of him .

I keep craving craving
You don't know it but it's true
Can't keep my mouth to say the words they want to say to you

Harry slowly pull me close to his chest after he lay besides me .

This is typical of love
Can't wait anymore
I won't wait I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever

In my dreams , you with me
We will be everything I want us to be
And from there who knows

Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Or that just me and my imagination

Without second thought , I look up at him and demand a thing I would not ask if I was normal .

" Kiss me Harry . " he seems unsure but the sparks in his eyes tell different story and slowly , he leans in to kiss me .

They finally kissed ! Oh my , I'm fangirlinggggg xx A

Wedding Crasher - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now