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Because Josh is a businessman , so I guess we have to screw him over in every important event or dinner he has in his schedule . I was surprised to see that he hasn't suspect that was us that ruined his every event .

Okay , maybe not every event but so far it was 1-1 score and we are yet a step forward than him .

" The gay ad is spreading around city as we speak right now . " Harry sit down infront of me , smiling from ear to ear .

" I'm not sure if this is a right move . " I admitted .

" Sure it does . How to ruin a relationship ? Make their girlfriend thinks they are gay . " Harry reassure me .

" Sometimes , rumors mean nothing when you truly love someone . " I lean my body at my car , staring up at Harry who has his beanie and sunglasses on .

" Sometimes rumors is what we need to spice up the relationship . Even tho it wasn't true , I know Nadine will trust it and it will take some times to reassure her back . " Harry reply with a blank face . It was hard to see where he's looking at when he is wearing those glasses .

" You seems convincing . " I pointed out .

" Why don't you put up some rumors of him cheating ? " I asked out loud .

" Cheating is normal nowadays . But being bisexual is something you couldn't just sleep it off at night . " Harry reasoned out .

" You would go all the way of accusing Josh being gay ? " although we want to ruin their relationship and wedding , saying Josh is gay is over-acting for me .

" Because I am the man of my words Adele . I also edited some picture of him kissing another man in a hotel room . "

" Pictures say it all . " Harry sings , twisting me around on my heels .

" Want to survive in entertainment business ? You have to know how the media works . Use them as advantage . " hands on my waist as he slowly rock us side to side .

" They won't shut up even the rumors wasn't true and we will got them this time . " Harry paused , pulling away .

" And they will be gone . " Harry looked away at the mountain , seems to drown in his own thought .

" So do us . " I blurt out , putting my hands on my mouth afterwards .

" Us ? " Harry echoed my word , darting his gaze towards me .

" It just came out . " I defended myself .

Harry was about to say something when his phone ringing , blasting Isn't She Lovely out loud .

" It's Nadine . " Harry informed me , sliding to answer the call .

" Hello ? " Harry put the call on speaker so I could hear it too .

" Harry ? " her voice crack like she is crying .

" What's wrong ? " Harry asked in gentle tone .

" Josh . He is gay . " she muttered those words like she couldn't believe it herself .

" Josh who ? " Harry played along .

" The guy that I'm marrying with soon . He's gay Harry . " how Harry could keep in touch with Nadine is beyond me . I mean she is his ex and now he is acting like she is her bestfriend .

" Why would you say that ? " Harry asked , smirking up at me .

" It was all over the news Harry . They showed the picture of him kissing some unknown male . " she almost snapped with frustration lingering on her tone .

" I could tolerate him cheating with some girl but being gay ? How I'm supposed to cope with that ? " she continue , sobbing even harder .

" How could you be so sure it was him ? Is he with you today before the news came out ? " Harry could win an award for his acting .

" No . He is busy for some business entire day and it just pop out . Tell me what to do Harry . " pity her that she didn't know it was us that started the entire rumors .

" Has him being acting differently ? You can tell if he is serious with you by looking into his eyes while he say he love you . " where is that came from ?

" I don't know Harry . He seems like he just want me as the trophy to show off at his business partner . " sounds like Josh Anderson .

" Hate to say this but the rumors might been truth . " there is a silent on the other line . Deadly silent may I add .

" Nadine ? " Harry called out , looking at his screen .

" But I love him Harry . " a pain expression flash across his eyes for a moment and I swear I could see him frowning .

" I know that Nadine . I know . " Harry muttered under his breath like it was the hardest things to do .

" Tell me if this is just a joke they pull up on me because I don't know what would I do without him . " Harry looked away with a blank face .

" Confront him about this and demand the truth . " I grab Harry's hands because he seems like he was about to give up .

" He will say no . " Harry remained silent , throwing his gaze anywhere but me .

" Harry ? Tell me what to do . "

" I'm sorry , I have to go . " Harry ended up the call and almost throw his phone away before I snatch it from him .

" Harry ? " I was afraid he might explode anytime soon because he seems like a walking grenade right now .

" Want to know what the most hardest things to do ? " he asked , his voice just above the whisper .

" What ? "

" Listening to the person you love admitted out loud that she love someone else that wasn't you and she couldn't live without him when you are willing to catch a grenade for her . " for some reason I couldn't figure out , my heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach .

" I thought I was strong enough to stay at the friend zone but I'm wrong . You'll never know until you feel those pain . " I remain silent , got my tongue tied .

I never an expert at talking about feelings and relationship but somehow I feel what Harry's feel right now . It was such a pain knowing someone that used to love you isn't feeling the same anymore but that's life right ?

" Know what I want to do now ? " Harry finally meet my gaze with a whole new confident level that I have no idea where he get it from .

" I realized that I want her back and I will do anything . You will get Josh and I will get Nadine back . " I just want to shake my head but instead I nod .

Don't ask why because I don't really know what I didn't feel thrilled like I used to feel before .

Sorry I didn't update as much as I used too . So many things happened to me and sadly to say that I just broke up with my boyfriend .

It was a hell of the week for me but I survived . Long story short , his family didn't approved our relationship and it is what it is right ?

Wedding Crasher - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now