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Even it was just a Skype conversation , I feel nervous about what should I wear or should I even put a make-up on . But it will be weird because I'm in my house and I don't want to look like I'm going to to Brits Award .

But I don't want to look casual me at home because it's ugly to be honest . How do you supposed to wear make-up but looks natural anyway ? This is so frustrating and pressure to the max .

I was about to search for any tutorial when suddenly a picture flashes through my screen , showing a man with quiff hair and he is making weird face . I never really good at Skyping and how am I supposed to react to that .

The next thing I know the same man I saw appear in my screen with a tiny box that shows me on the bottom . And he is shirtless . Way to go on the first meet and greet I guess .

" Heyyyy . " he dragged the Y word , grinning .

" Hey . " I couldn't help but notice how cute he looks like .

Don't get me wrong but I'm kinda imagine him not to have this kind of hottie looks . I mean who wants to do the fake dating when they have that face to do some real dating ?

" Hey . " I say awkwardly .

" You're Adele right ? " his grinning face turns into a serious one in a blink of the eyes .

" Yup . Cameron right ? " he nod , still with his serious face .

" Are you saying that you don't know who I am ? " should I ?

" Famous viner and youtuber . That's what Harry told me . " I bite my lips , glancing at the camera .

" If Harry told you nothing , would you still recognize me ? " I shake my head .

" So I guess you are not into a vine or youtube . " I only use youtube to listen to a songs and I never have a Vine account before .

" Is there something wrong ? " he stare at me for a moment before smiling .

" I was just teasing you out babe . You should look at your face . " and then he chuckles as I was wondering what so funny ?

" Not funny for you I guess . " he huffed , pushing his quiff backwards .

" I'm sorry . "

" It's okay . Let's start introducing ourself . Do you want to go first ? " he seems like someone that I could go along with .

" No , I'll give you the pleasure to start first . " he raised his eyebrow for some reason but didn't point anything out .

" My name is Cameron Alexander Dallas . I born on 8 September 1994 in California . I'm a Virgo . Raised by my mother Gina and I have only one sibling that is my sister Sierra . Height 5'9 and weight 61 kilo . " so basic and he looks adorable .

" Mine is Adele Jackson Fox . Born on 18 November 1994 in London . My mother never make it out alive after the delivery so I was raised by my father . I'm the only child but I have Elsiah Tomlinson as my cousin so you figure how I know Harry . " I shrugged , not wanting to release information about my weight because I didn't like people judging it .

" Okay . We are twins by few months . " oh and I would love to date my twins from another mother and father .

" Glad to hear that . "

" I could sense that you and joke don't get along so my mistakes if you somehow annoyed with me in the last few minutes . " now I'm feeling guilty because he is just trying to be nice .

" I'm sorry . Day lately is not my day . " I admitted .

" It's okay . Life could be rough sometimes . " in case you didn't notice , he is so understandable . If that even a word .

" So , anything else you want to know about me ? " I asked , trying to light up the mood because the last thing I want is make this conversation go wrong .

" Actually I want to know everything about you but that can wait . I'm flying to London tomorrow . " wait , what ?

" Something's wrong ? You looked surprise . " he asked , titled his head to the side lightly .

" I thought we are doing the long distance relationship ? " Harry never mention about this before .

" Yeah , Harry did told me that but if you want to convince the media , you have to do a little sacrifies so I'm flying to your place . Unless you don't want me to . " can him stop making me feels super guilty ?

" I don't have any reason for you not to come here . It's just I was shocked , that's all . " I smiles and he is mirroring my move .

" That's settle then . "

" I hope you don't mind living in my small apartment . " I mumble under my breath .

He is worldwide famous people so do he wants to stay at me place ? Or I'm just embarrasing myself because maybe he is planning to stay at the hotel .

" As long as you don't plan to prank me 24/7 or hack my social media or post a picture of me sleeping or don't snore , I guess we are good . " I guess I can go with that so I nod .

" So we are done with that , now did you have a story to tell to the media about us ? " uh , I didn't figure that out yet .

" No ? " I said shyly .

" Okay then . I was thinking about me going to 1D concert and bump into you . Have you ever been to 1D concert in California ? " he put his face on him palm , completely facing me .

I don't know about other girls out there but for me , when someone do that move , it make me feels like he really want to listen to what I have to say .

" California never but I go to the 1D concert in Miami months ago . " back to when I was dating Josh .

" Miami sounds great actually . We stay in friend but not that close until recently . Harry did mention about your break up so I guess we can start from there . " so he didn't know about the wedding crasher thing ?

" Somehow I decided to contact you and you were there . "

" Then we decided to make it official . " he finished off for me , not once mocking me or saying how bad my storyline is .

" Happy ending . " I cheers for real and it somehow trigger his laugh .

" Cameron , get your ass inside the shower before I tell mom ! " Cameron huffed while I stiff a laugh .

" That's my sister and yes , I still live with my mother . Please don't judge me or break up with me already . " he pouted , trying to make his eyes look bigger .

" No silly , I won't . Guess you have to go . " when I still want to talk to him .

" Yup . I'll see you tomorrow and I will text the flight details .. "

" Cameron Alexander Dallas , who is you skyping with when you are stink as hell ? " his sister I guess appear out of nowhere with her hands on her hip .

" Bye Adele . " the camera is off but I could still hear Sierra nagging at Cameron .

" You are the worst brother in this entire planet . "

" But you loved me . " I shut down my laptop , smiling with the siblings arguement .

Lots of things to do before Cameron is here so God help me , I will be needing some super powers to get it done .

Cameron is cuteeeeeeeeee okay bye :D
Photo credit to Cameron's snapchat .

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