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Guess it's true I'm not good at one night stand
But I still need love cause I'm just a girl
This night never seems to go to plan
I don't want you to leave can you hold my hand

Won't you stay with me
Cause you all I need
This ain't love it's clear to see
Darling stay with me

My voice is so out of tune and Niall just laugh it out loud .

" Really Adele ? Is that the best you could do ? " I shrugged .

" That's why I'm not apart of Fifth Harmony . " Niall continue to laugh at my remarks at some point it annoyed me .

" Okay . Enough already . It's not that funny . " Niall clutch his hand on his stomach and continue to laugh even louder .

My phone rings catch my attention while keep laughing at me . I see the picture of me and Cameron on the screen before I slide to answer the call .

" Hey Cam . " I greeted him like usual .

" Hey baby . Long time since I last spoken to you . " it's because I was trying to avoid him lately .

" I was a bit busy . "

" Oh , I could hear someone laugh from there . Did I disturb you ? " I put my finger on my mouth , silently tell Niall to shut up .

" It's just Niall and we are having a little singing session . " which happened to be the worst idea .

" Oh I see . Didn't know you were close to him . " it just happened recently while I was avoiding you .

" So , how's life ? " I asked , trying to distract him .

" Fine but someone else is not based on what I heard . " if I don't know Cameron , I wouldn't figure out that he is trying to talk me out about the topic I tried to avoid for now .

" Can you give me a minute Niall ? " Niall nod , giving permission for me to take the call from the room we are in now .

Quickly I stand up and exit the room as my eyes glancing around the hallway only to find it empty .

" As you can hear me , I'm fine . "

" Avoiding things does not makes you look okay Adele . It's only makes you look like a coward . " Cameron does not sounds happy at all .

" Okay , what did Harry told you ? " I lower my voice at Harry's name , not wanting to attract any attention .

" Everything and he couldn't stop saying sorry to me like it I am you . " I stare at the wall , couldn't come out with anything else to say .

" Did you hear me ? "

" I just couldn't imagine how could he do such things to me . " this is exactly why I keep avoiding to talk about it . This is exactly why I keep myself distracted and at least try to fake that I'm fine .

It's all because I can't stand talking about it without crying .

" Adele . "

" What if it was you was on my shoes . Would you will be able forgive him ? " I asked the very same question as I asked Harry .

" At some point yes . " he answered without hesitation .

" But it would never be the same anymore . I can't just look at him the same way I looked at him before . It's just different . " I admitted .

I don't know how to tell what I feels about Harry . There is a inner battle inside me whenever I think about him . I just can't hate him but at the same time I can't act like nothing happened with him either .

" Please don't repeat my mistakes Adele . "

" We are different Cameron . You loved each other while I don't even know what I feel about him and I also have no idea what he feels about me . " I fires back , just feeling like everything is so complicated when I try to face the truth .

" Do you feel betrayed ? " I feel like hell right now .

" Yes . "

" Do you ever wonder why ? "

" The answer is so simple Cameron . Because he choose to betrayed me when he is supposed to be my friend . " I'm getting more frustrated now .

" Maybe you consider him more than a friend . " what does that mean ?

" I'm not trying to tell you who you are or what you feels but maybe you don't know yourself more than you do right now . "

" What are you trying to say Cameron ? " just get to the point .

" All I want to say is maybe you love him and you just denied it or pretend like it's just a friend relationship but no , it's always more than that Adele . Yes , friend is supposed to have each other back but now you are acting like he cheated on you . " am I ?

" Don't lie to yourself Adele . Friends don't get jealous whenever they saw their friend with someone else . I could see it in your eyes . There are a thin line between friend and love and I think you have step a foot over that line . " I lean on the white wall , trying to think about this over and over again .

" I need to go . " I blurt out , having enough of this conversation .

Not waiting for Cameron's reply , I hang up on him and release a breath I never know I was holding .

" Did you still mad at me ? " I don't have to look up to know that is indeed Harry .

" I hate you Harry . " I mumble under my breath , couldn't face his gaze .

" You have know idea how bad I feel right now . "

" Then you should feel that after what you have done . " I stand straight , ready to leave .

" But I love you Adele . " am I delusional or he did say that out loud . My heart couldn't bare the pain that is trying to torn me apart inside so I left the hallway by running .

Running from a man who maybe loves me . Running from the truth that I try to hide deep inside my mind .

I'm ending this book really soon because I'm kinda have some writer block and I just don't want to leave this book hanging .

This book does not have a written plot like I did for the first book and it's kinda bother me for not writing it down so I'm ending it soon .

So sorry but I promise the third book is going to make it up :)

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