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Midnight memories , oh oh oh
Baby you and me
Stumbling in the street
Singing , singing , singing , singing
Midnight ..

" Cut the music ! " Harry yelled at us , the band plus me the wannabe drummer .

" Adele , what did I tell you ? " oh , everything is on me to blame right ?

" You need to be easy on her mate . " well , thank you Louis .

" She should be easy on Josh when she knows that Josh is allergy to seafood . " Harry reply back , not really happy with me .

" It wasn't my fault . " I mumble to myself .

" Yeah sure . It's the waiter's fault . " loud enough for Harry to hear I guess .

" What does is done . No need to fight about this . Now all we need to do is try to at least sounds good for tomorrow . "

If you hasn't guess , Elsiah dropped me off right after she is done scolding me . Yup , drop me off at their studio and claimed that I need to replaced Josh .

" She better not mess up this time . " seriously , why he didn't stop bother me since I step a foot at their studio ?

" Start from the first verse . " Harry groaned , mumbling something under his breath and I'm sure it wasn't something nice .

Straight off the plane to the new hotel
Just touched down , you could never tell
Big house party with a crowded kitchen
People talk sh*t but we don't listen

Here comes my out tune , not so perfect drumming skills . Maybe they should hire another drummer . But the good side is , I am having fun .

" Midnight memories , oh oh oh . Adele and the drum , playing it wrong , the worst drummer ever . " wait , did Harry just insult me by changing the lyrics .

" Midnight memories , oh oh oh . She is the worst , didn't hit right , keep getting off the tune . " yup , he did insult me and that's enough to make me stop hitting the drum .

" I was doing you a favor here so please at least appreciate it . " Harry turned on his heel , glaring at me .

" How it's supposed to called a favor when you don't even hit the right tune ? " he mocked back , full of sarcasm .

" Then you should vote to Liam's plan in the first place of leaving me alone . " I am now standing up , crossing my hands over my chest , still holding the sticks .

" Take 5 lads . " Liam speak through the mic but I wasn't finish , so does Harry .

" Do you really think that I'm doing it to help you ? Hell no , I was just trying to mess with you . " there is the prawn inside the noddles . Uh , you'll get it .

" Then congratulation . You are the first reason why Josh is sent to the hospital right now . " I'm not guilty after all . Yeay !

" But I never suggest that you did take him to the sushi place . " he retorted .

" But you did suggest .. "

" Shut up or we will put you two inside the janitor room . " Liam , being daddy directioner as always butt in .

" Can they fit in ? " Niall question obliviously .

" Of course they can . They are not that fat . " Louis speak up , chuckling .

" Why are we even discussing this ? " Zayn narrowing his eyebrow at the boys .

" Because we are still considering of putting them inside the janitor . " Louis stated like it was the obvious thing .

The boys keep arguing about the janitor lock-up until Harry decided to open his big mouth .

" I still think you did cause the allergy on purpose . " smirking up at me shows enough that he did want a piece of me .

" I said I didn't do it for god sake ! " I yelled and jump on Louis like a ninja . Or wannabe ninja , whatever floats your boat .

Starting to regret my decision as always , I hang on to Harry's white shirt when he started to move around . Trying to get rid of me .

" That's it . Say hello to janitor closet . " both of our head snapped towards serious Liam and the next thing I know , I was hanging around Niall's shoulder .

" She jumped on me first ! " Harry defended , being dragged by Louis and Liam while Zayn just shake his head .

" He started it first ! " I exclaimed , swinging upside down . I didn't know Niall could take the hit .

" Because you poisened our drummer for sabotage . " Harry accusation leave a mental note in my mind . Kill Harry Styles .

" It was an accident ! " is the last thing I get to say before Niall shoved me gently inside the closet followed by Harry .

" You are not coming out unless you two decided to get along . " Liam slammed the janitor closet door close , leaving me and Harry in the dark .

" If you want to lock me up , I would rather do it with Shawn Mendes . " I banged the door only cause me to retreat back because the door is too hard for my hand .

" Thank you for making us get locked in here . " Harry said with full sarcasm and I could imagine him rolling his eyes .

" If only you shut your big fat mouth . " I snorted .

" How am I supposed to know you want to jump on me , smartass . "

" Next time , try not to pissed me off will you ? " I fires back with the same tone .

" Whatever . " I try to sit down on the small space but decided to go against it so I lean at the wall .

We both falls into a complete silent , hoping they will let us out soon . I couldn't see Harry in the dark and not that I mind . He is not that attractive anyway .

" I'll still annoyed with you tho . "

" Shut up Harry . " less than a minute after , the door swing open by still serious face Liam .

" Thank god . He is killing me with his wannabe handsome aura . " I said with over reacting move but Liam didn't crack a single chuckle .

" You think you are that attractive either ? Please . " bitchy Harry is not my favourite . Hell , everything about him is in my dislike list .

" For the love of peace and unity in this world , please stop arguing for one moment and hear me out . " Liam's words is kinda funny but he didn't seems like he is joking so I hold back my laugh .

" Okay . " me and Harry both say in unison . How lovely .

" Your ex boyfriend name is Josh Anderson right ? Founder of Anderson Technology ? " I thought we are over any Josh part .

" Yes and why are you asking ? "

" You two are not going to like this . " Louis appear out of nowhere , showing his phone screen towards me and Harry .

" I believe your ex is marrying Harry's ex . " that sentences enough to make me scream ' What ' on top of my lung .

Uh oh . Things about to get down girl :D

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