Chapter 1

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That was the word on the forefront of everyone's minds, no matter what side of the war you were on. The world was on fire and everything was falling to pieces around them. Loved one's held each other tighter. Unspoken words and sentiments were whispered into the night air. It did not do to dwell on dreams when the next hour of your life was uncertain. Moments were fleeting and decisions had to be made quickly. As the former Black heir held onto the warmth and feeling of safety that his partner expelled from his body, he was jarred awake by a loud knock on his front door. Both Sirius and Remus looked at one another for a moment as silence hung in the air. Had death finally come to their doorstep?

"Who the bloody fuck is at the front door?" Sirius muttered, slipping his pants on and grabbing his wand immediately after he jumped out of the bed. Whoever it was, it wasn't a friend. Anyone that knew the location of his flat with Remus had access inside the wards. The only other explanation he could think of was ugly and dark and he wasn't ready to go there. He looked over at his werewolf, who was quickly getting dressed as well. There was another knock and Sirius swore as he walked out of the bedroom, sans shirt. He stopped at the door and looked behind him to make sure Remus was ready. After a silent nod from his lover, Sirius wrenched open the door and his wand immediately went up after one look at the two people standing there.

"Sirius put the wand down," Regulus said, his wand aimed and posed at him.

"You first brother," Sirius snapped, his grey eyes boring into the familiar pair that he hadn't seen in longer than he could even remember. It hurt too much to put an exact timeframe on the fact.

"Black," Lucius said slowly, ever the aristocratic arsehole. "I told you he wouldn't take well to us doing it this way."

"He just needs to calm down," Regulus said. "You know my brother. He has a temper and reacts before he thinks. He's always been that way."

"He's right here," Sirius shouted. "What the fuck are you two doing here?"

"Put down your wand Sirius," Regulus said, never dropping his or looking away.

"With two death eaters at my door? I don't think so."

"It's not what you think Black," Lucius tried to reason, holding his hands up in front of him.

"You told me once that I would regret my decision," Regulus said and Sirius narrowed his eyes at him. "You were right. I have a lot of fucking regrets."

Sirius took a moment to stare down his brother. He wanted nothing more to believe that his little brother was here begging for help. That he was defecting and that Sirius could save him. But Severus Snape had told them that no one ever defected from Voldemort. "No, you're lying. This is a trick," he responded.

"There's a rat in the order Sirius," Regulus said and both Remus and Sirius froze. "Put your wand down and let us in and we will tell you who it is."

"Why would I let Malfoy in? He was bred to be a deatheater," Sirius scoffed.

"That's exactly why you should," Lucius said calmly, putting his own wand down in a sign of good faith. If anyone would understand what it was like to be bred to be something, it would be Sirius Black. He just needed him to listen first. "Because I don't want my son to be raised to be another of his soldiers. Narcissa wouldn't want that either."

After a few moments, Sirius slowly lowered his wand at the same time as Regulus. He took a step back and the two former death eaters entered the home, Regulus nodding at Remus who stood leaning against the doorway to the bedroom. Pouring himself a drink, he downed it before turning back to the two people he still wasn't sure he trusted.

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