Chapter 2

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With a smile on her face, Narcissa made her way through the halls, nodding and saying hello to the familiar faces of the children she encountered weekly. Ever since the death of Tom Riddle and of Lucius' father Abraxas Malfoy, Narcissa and Lucius had made a point to rid the Malfoy name of the tarnish caused by centuries of pureblood elitists and falling into the hands of a madman. Lucius had worked hard in the Ministry and as a Governer of Hogwarts to bring honor back to the House of Malfoy. Narcissa had paved the way for change in society to the best of her abilities but found herself enjoying a quieter life with her husband and the children that frequented their home. She kept up appearances as the Lady of the House of Malfoy but her true joy in life was volunteering at the children's shelter she had helped found after the fall of Voldemort.

"Hello Narcissa," Eloise smiled and nodded at her as she came out of her office, shuffling files in her hand.

"Hello dear," Narcissa said and looked around taking in the chaos of the adults she was beginning to notice. "Is everything alright? It seems quite active in here today."

"The Aurors just arrived with a little girl," the young woman replied, dropping a file off on another desk. "A muggleborn."

"A muggleborn was taken by Aurors?" Narcissa asked in surprise. She had never heard of any instance where Aurors had gone and taken a child from their parents.
"Not exactly," she said. "Actually I could use your help. Walk with me?"

"Of course," the witch replied and began to follow her.

"The girl, she's about six I believe, she was dropped off at an orphanage in Muggle London. Apparently, there was an incident at the home where an unexplained fire broke out."

"And out of fear, they gave up their daughter I assume." Narcissa would never understand how one could give up their child as if they had never existed. She and Lucius had tried for more children before and after Draco and the stars had not aligned for them. "How did the Aurors find her at the muggle orphanage?"

"There was another incident," Eloise said, opening the doors and nodding towards the two men standing with a tiny young girl that had the wildest curls she had ever seen. "All the windows on the floor shattered as she was having a nightmare. The ministry was alerted to the accidental magic."

"That's strong accidental magic," the blonde witch pointed out and her companion nodded.

"It was thought that it would be best for her to be here, with other magical children and people who are more equipped to handle situations like this."

"Of course," Narcissa agreed. Her eyes never left the little girl who was closed in on herself, a terrified look in her eyes. "What's her name?"

"Hermione," Eloise answered before approaching the two men and discussing the situation.


It had been weeks since Narcissa had met Hermione and in that time, no one could penetrate the thick walls that the young girl had surrounded herself with. She didn't speak to any of the other kids. In fact, she barely spoke at all. Every time Narcissa entered the orphanage she sought out the young girl and every time she found her in the same spot. Instead of engaging in activities with the other children, it seemed Hermione loved to let herself get lost in a book. Eloise told her that was where she spent all of her time unless forced to leave the small library.

As she entered Potter Manor for dinner that evening, Narcissa smiled as she watched a blur of blonde hair and black hair run into the sitting room laughing. The two boys were thick as thieves and they were barely able to separate the two of them.

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