Chapter 30

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"When did she fall asleep?" Remus asked, watching Draco run his fingers through her curls as she slept curled up against him. It was the first time he had left the room since had tried to wake Sirius. That had been hours ago and seeing his daughter resting peacefully soothed the ache in his soul.

"How is he?" Regulus asked from the other side of Hermione. He had been watching the door to his brother's room diligently, waiting for any news that would help soothe his fears. His niece has been so distraught when she and Draco left the room that he couldn't get any type of answer from them.

"He's sleeping," the wizard answered, sighing and closing his eyes. "This time just with the work of a calming draught and Dreamless Sleep. He had a... bad reaction to coming out of the magical coma. The remnants of the curse he had been hit with still needed to be worked on and it had his body reacting violently."

"But he's ok?" Regulus asked again for clarity, his eyes never leaving his brother-in-law.

"He will be alright," Remus nodded. "The next time he wakes, he should be better. At least that is what the healers said."

"Good," Regulus stated, looking over at Hermone's sleeping form. Smiling softly at the peacefulness of the moment for the little witch. "Mi was...a wreck."

"I know," Remus nodded. "I'm glad Draco took her out of the room when he did. It was worse before it got better."

"He's good with her," he stayed, looking over at the dozing young man. "He's been here for whatever she needs. He will be a good husband to her."

"I don't even want to think about that right now," Remus laughed a little, watching the young couple. He knew that Regulus wasn't wrong. Draco would make the best husband for his daughter. He balanced her out better than anyone else and he made her smile as if nothing bad had ever happened to her. She was still his little girl though and wasn't ready to let her go.

"If you say so, Remus."

"You should go home Regulus. Get some rest, and take my little girl with her. She needs to sleep in her own bed and come and see her dad tomorrow."

"And what do I do with him hmm?"

"Well... if he can behave, he can stay with her, Remus sighed. "She needs him... I can't deny it."

With a nod, Regulus stood up, gently waking Draco and whispering to him. The young man's eyes locked with the werewolf for a moment and all Remus could see was sincerity and the boy's love for his daughter. With a nod in his direction, Draco immediately whispered to Hermione, stirring her from her sleep just long enough to stand and help pull her up against him, supporting her weight. Remus couldn't help but chuckle as she mumbled incoherently, allowing Regulus and Draco to lead her out of the waiting room.

With a sigh, the wizard rose from his seat and took a moment before walking back into his husband's room. He let himself get as comfortable as possible in the chair next to his bedside, taking Sirius's hand in his own.

"I need you to wake soon love," he murmured, kissing his hand. "The last words we said to one another... they don't matter. I just want you to open those beautiful eyes and talk to me about anything at this point. Our daughter needs you... I need you."

He wasn't sure when he had dozed off but the moment he felt fingers threading through his sandy hair, his eyes fluttered open. Green eyes met grey and a small smile broke out on his face as tears pooled in his eyes.

"Nice of you to join us Moony," Sirius spoke softly. Surging from his chair, Remus took his husband's face in his hands and kissed him fiercely. "Maybe I should take a hit more often if you're going to kiss me like that."

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