Chapter 4

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Sirius watched with a small smile on his face as the family of four sat at the breakfast table together. Hermione was regaling Regulus with her adventures with Harry and Draco the day before, her curls wild and eyes bright. Regulus would nod and chuckle at all the appropriate parts of the story, watching her with a look of pure adoration he didn't think he had ever seen from his little brother.

"Hermione love, don't forget to breathe," Remus chuckled before taking a sip of his coffee.

"But I have so much to tell him," Hermione exclaimed dramatically, causing them all to chuckle. She was beginning to open up more and more, especially in the comfort of their own home and no one was happier than Remus and Sirius. The shy little girl they had met at the orphanage was beginning to thrive and they could not wait to watch her soar.

A giggle rang out as Kreacher placed another pancake on Hermione's plate. "Thank you, Kreacher."

"Kreacher lives to serve to the noble House of Black. Anything for Mistress Hermione," Kreacher croaked before returning to his duties.

"Mistress?" Sirius chuckled, lifting an eyebrow as he looked at Regulus.

"He's grown quite attached to her," Regulus shrugged with a smirk resting on his face.

"Who doesn't?" Remus chuckled.

"Well," Sirius said clapping and rubbing his hands together. "I had a lovely conversation with Cissa this morning. We have a fantastic idea for today."

"And what exactly is that Pads?" Remus asked, looking at him adoringly.

"I think it's time that we introduce our little cub to the wizarding world," Sirius smiled, sending a wink her way as she scrunched up her nose cutely. "Diagon Alley."

"Oh?" Regulus asked.

"Do you think she's ready for that?" Remus asked cautiously. They had all agreed that it wouldn't be in her best interest to overwhelm her all at once. She was finally getting used to using the floo after the disaster that apparating had been.

"I do," the animagus nodded. "She's ready Remus. Now come on kitten, let's get you ready for the day."

"Ok!" Hermione exclaimed, wiggling down from her chair and skipping over to her father. As she reached him, she took his hand before turning and looking at her uncle. "Are you coming with us, Uncle Regulus?"

"I don't..." Regulus began but sighed as soon as he got caught in the gaze of her big, chocolate eyes that he swore could look right into his soul. "Yes Hermione, I'll go with you all."

With a giggle. Hermione went with Sirius and Remus just shook his head knowing full well that Hermione had managed to wrap Regulus Black around her little finger.


As he stepped out of the fireplace at the Leaky Cauldron with Hermione in his arms, Remus chuckled at the collection of people awaiting their arrival. Sirius stood with his cousins, Narcissa and Andromeda, talking animatedly. Lily was trying to wrangle Harry and Draco who seemed to be up to Mischief while James and Lucius were in what looked like an interesting debate that he would have to ask his friend about later.

"Remus there you are," Lily smiled, brushing her hair from her face. "Boys! Put that down now!"

"Hello Lily," he replied, setting Hermione to the ground before using his wand to clean the soot off of her.

"Mi!" Harry yelled, smiling brightly as he spotted his sister. Draco turned immediately and his eyes lit up at the sight of her.

"Well go on then," Remus said, watching her run off with a giggle, her curls bouncing behind her. The three young children had grown to be inseparable much to the delight of all the adults, especially Sirius, Lily, and Narcissa. Hermione quickly became the calm to the storm that was Harry and Draco. If she was anywhere in the vicinity of the two boys, they stopped everything they were doing and would run to her.

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