Chapter 33

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Running his fingers through her curls, Draco continued reading even while Hermione napped beside him on the blanket. The sun was beating down on their skin, and the smell of the gardens at Malfoy Manor permeated through the air, but all the young wizard could focus on was the sleeping witch next to him. Even after awakening, Hermione had been kept in St. Mungos for a few days for observation. After returning home, Sirius and Remus barely let her out of their sight. She was only allowed to visit Malfoy Manor and the Potter's home and most of the time she was escorted by Regulus or one of her fathers.

Smiling softly as she sighed contently in her sleep, the blonde wizard couldn't help but smile down at her. Still recovering, she tired easily. More often than not, she could be found napping in the library or like she was now, curled up on a blanket outside, enjoying the sun on her skin. Remus and Sirius had brought up over early. There was an order meeting happening and they wanted her to get out of the house to relax before they all had to rehash what had happened to them all in the alley. Draco wasn't going to complain though. It meant that he got to spend more time with her, opting out of the Quidditch game Harry, Theo, and Blaise were currently participating in.

Meanwhile, at Grimmauld Place, Sirius and Remus were quietly sipping tea across from Minerva and Albus Dumbledore. The Headmaster only came to their home when there was an Order meeting, so both men knew that this visit had ulterior motives.

"Remus my boy," Albus began. "I wanted to speak with you in regard to your old post. With Delores Umbridge gone, I have the official capacity to hire you again. We would be delighted for you to return if that is your wish."

"I don't think that will be possible Headmaster," Remus spoke respectfully, taking Sirius's hand in his to keep his husband calm. He knew the man was likely to fly off the handle if this conversation didn't go the way he wanted it to.

"Oh Remus," Minerva sighed. "The students miss you. You were their favorite teacher. Of course, you can come back. If you're worried that Delores outed your condition, you don't need to worry."

"It's not that he's worried Minnie," Sirius stated. "It's that he will be busy here, with Hermione."

"I beg your pardon?" Minerva asked, her teacup frozen in midair. She couldn't believe what she was hearing."

"Hermione will not be returning to Hogwarts," Remus stated. He and Sirius were in complete agreement and had been from the moment their daughter confessed her fears of returning to the school. "She will continue her education and studies here. Regulus and I will be able to teach her and Lucius Malfoy has provided us with a list of tutors that can cover any of the topics that Regulus nor I can teach."

"But she's... that's just," Minerva sputtered, taking in the words that were falling from his lips. Her lion cub, her favorite if anyone were to truly ask her, wouldn't be returning to school. It was a preposterous thought. The young witch adored learning, thriving to be her absolute best at whatever subject she was studying. "She must return."

"I know that she has been through a great ordeal," Albus began and Sirius snorted cutting him off before he could finish her off.

"No, you don't know anything about what she has gone through," he scoffed. "Her entire fifth year was a disaster. There were blood quills, ridiculous detentions, and her father getting sacked. She and Harry had to form a secret defense class just to learn anything."

"Delores Umbridge is gone now. If you returned, you would be able to teach and help them all," Albus pointed out.

"My focus is my daughter," Remus stated matter-of-factly. "She is still recovering from the attack. She needs us. Sirius and I stand together on this."

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