Chapter 8

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"Wait, no way," Theo said shaking his head as the group sat out by the Black Lake. "There is no way that your father is an animagus."

"He is," Hermione laughed, smiling brightly at the Slytherin boy as Draco snickered from his spot beside her. Ever since that fateful day with Marcus Flint, Draco had started trying to integrate his Slytherins more with his best friends. It had startled him just how quickly Hermione had fallen into a friendship with Pansy and Daphne. The three girls were inseparable at times, slightly annoying Draco that there were two more people that he had to compete with for his best friend's attention. It didn't take long for Blaise and Harry to bond over their love of Quidditch and while Theo might have had more in common with Hermione when it came to his love of reading, it became clear that Theo and Harry had an affinity for pranks and gossip.

Even the professors were commenting on how well integrated the Slytherin and Gryffindor seemed. Remus had proudly informed Sirus and the others that Harry, Draco, and Hermione were already making their own path at Hogwarts. Lucius and Narcissa were surprised at how well they all seemed to be getting around while James and Sirius smugly stated that it was because their children were perfect in every way.

"No," Theo chuckled, throwing a Bernie Botts every flavored bean at Harry who deftly caught it in his mouth causing Pansy to roll her eyes. "If Sirius Black was an animagus, everyone would know. I mean... it's Lord Black."

"I never said he was a registered animagus," Hermione said, smiling slyly causing Draco to chuckle.

"Uncle Padfoot is a rebel," Harry commented. "Ooh treacle tart!"

"Manners Harry," Hermione chastised, shaking her head as Harry just grinned brightly at her.

"So what is he?" Theo questioned excitedly. "What's his form?"

"I can't tell you that," Hermione laughed. "It's a secret."

"A secret?!" Theo gasped dramatically. Groaning, he fell backward onto the blanket. "Black, you're killing me. See this? This!" He plunged his fist into his chest as if it was a dagger. "This is what you are doing to my heart."

"You're so dramatic Theo," Pansy scoffed, causing Daphne to laugh as she continued to braid Hermione's curls.

"You love it and you know it," Theo smirked. "You'll be reading my eulogy, Hermione. It's what you get for causing my heart to break Lady Black."

"That's enough mate," Draco chuckled. Pulling a sugar quill out of his bag, the blonde wizard handed it to Hermione, causing a bright smile to break out on her face.

"Why do you bring Mi candy but you don't bring me anything?" Harry asked with a pout, causing everyone to laugh.

"Because Potter," Blaise said, a small smirk on his face. "You're not Hemione."

"Hey Harry," Ron walked up, Neville not far behind him with Dean and Seamus.

"Hey Ron," Harry smiled.

"Hello Hermione, Draco," Neville said and Hermione beamed brightly at him.

"Hello Neville," Hermione and Draco said at the same time.

"Hermione," Ron nodded to her and she waved a little back. Draco just grimaced but didn't say anything directly. He knew Hermione would get upset and that was the last thing he wanted.

"What bring you lions out to play on this glorious day?" Theo chuckled.

"Want to come and watch Quidditch practice with us?" Ron said. "Fred and George are beaters."

"Yeah!" Harry said hopping up from the blanket, saying his goodbyes to his friends before running off with his dorm mates.

"Why Potter hangs out with that Weasel is beyond my comprehension," Pansy said, her nose slightly upturned in a haughty manner.

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