Chapter 10

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March 1992

Theo entered the common room, dropping down beside Draco who was on the couch writing a letter. Sighing in boredom, he turned his attention to the blonde sitting beside him. Turning his full body towards him, Theo waited until Draco looked up from his parchment and raised an eyebrow at his fellow Slytherin. "Can I help you?" Draco drawled.

"What are you doing?" Theo asked. "Who are you writing to? Are you writing to Narcissa?"

"I am," Draco nodded. "I was letting her know that we will be home for Easter hols. Mi is missing Regulus and Sirius."

"Tell Narcissa I said hi," Theo replied trying to grab the quill and add to the letter himself. "Give it to me Malfoy."

"Write your own bloody letter," Draco grumbled standing up, causing Theo to fall over on the couch. Blaise couldn't help but laugh at the two boys. "I promised I'd meet Mi in the library while she studied. She's freaking out."

"What is she freaking out about?" Theo asked curiously, sitting back up. "And what could she possibly be studying for? Exams aren't for what like ten weeks? Besides she knows everything. Literally everything! Her dad is Professor Lupin!"

"Please do not say that to Mi," Draco groaned running his hands through his hair. "She will go into full-on lecture mode and I just got her calmed down. I don't need Harry running around like a crazy person trying to break into our common room because Mi has lost the plot."

"She has you wrapped around her finger," Blaise chuckled, working on his assignment.

"No, she doesn't," Draco glared at him, grabbing his textbooks. "She's my best friend."

"Whatever you say Draco," Blaise smirked and Theo sprawled out on the couch he now had completely to himself.

"Don't forget to tell Narcissa I miss her!" Theo shouted as Draco made to exit the common room.

"Tell her yourself!" he yelled back closing the door behind him. As much as he loved his friends in Slytherin, he was looking forward to spending time with just Hermione in the library. When everyone was together her attention was pulled between the girls and Draco and Harry; but when it was just the two of them, it was like all the time in the world could pass them by but they wouldn't even notice. With a small smile tugging at his mouth, he set off to the library. When he entered though, his smile immediately fell when he saw Harry and Ron Weasley standing around the table with her looking at a pile of books.

"Draco!" Hermione said, a bright smile on her face as he walked over to the trio. He looked down at the table covered with different books on dragons. "There you are. I was beginning to worry that you weren't coming."

"Of course I would come," Draco chuckled and motioned to all the books. "What's all this? Who is looking up things about dragons?"

"Hagrid!" Ron exclaimed in a whisper. "Hagrid was looking up things about Dragons!"

"He's always wanted a dragon," Harry said, opening the books and looking through them. "He told Draco and me the first time we met him!"

"But dragons are illegal aren't they?" Hermione asked, looking up at Draco.

"Dragon-breeding was outlawed by the Warlocks' Convention of 1709, everyone knows that.

It's hard to stop Muggles noticing us if we're keeping dragons in the back garden – anyway, you can't tame dragons, it's dangerous," Ron said matter-of-factly. "You should see the burns Charlie's got off wild ones in Romania. Charlie is a-"

"We know," Harry and Hermione chimed at the same time.

"I think the better question right now is why is Hagrid looking up dragons? What is he up to?" Draco said.

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