Chapter 14

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August 1993

"Now Miss Black, I want to make sure that you understand the rules explicitly before agreeing to this," Minerva stated as she set the necklace and the book about time turners on the table in front of them. The last thing that Sirius and Remus had expected was for Minerva to show up after sending an owl just that morning wishing to speak with the family. "This is a privilege that many people are not afforded. Timeturners are not a fickle toy. They are a responsibility. Terrible things can happen to witches and wizards who mess with time."

"Time Turner?" Sirius gaped as he looked at the necklace and then back at his former professor. "You want to give my daughter a time-turner?"

"The ministry has agreed to lend one to Miss Granger with her utmost discretion." Minerva nodded before taking a sip of her tea.

"Did you know about this?" Sirius asked, looking at Moony with wide eyes over Hermione's head.

"Of course, I didn't," Remus said, shaking his head. "If I had known, I would have talked to you about it. Minerva, why exactly are you offering to let Hermione use a time-turner?"

"It was my understanding that Hermione was having trouble choosing which classes she wanted to take this year," the older witch said with a small chuckle as a slight blush crossed Hermione's face.

"You are?" Sirius asked, looking down at her.

"There's just so many options," Hermione sighed. "How am I supposed to choose between Ancient Runes and Divination or Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies?"

"When she talks like this she is your daughter," Sirius chuckled, kissing the top of her head affectionately. Remus rolled his eyes and brought his attention back to their guest.

"What exactly does all this entail for her?" Moony asked, running his fingers through his hair.

"Hermione will be expected to read this book about time-turners and time magic. She will have to agree to not tell anyone about the object. No one can know what you are doing Miss Black," Minvera stated, looking directly at the young girl.

"Yes Professor," Hermione said sweetly. "I understand."

Sirius sat quietly as he watched Minerva go over the rules and how to properly use a time-turner. He couldn't believe that they were once again getting ready to send their daughter off to Hogwarts. It would be her third year now and he couldn't help but think back to the summer and how grown up all the children were.

"Do you think Kreacher will make those sweets again for us tonight?" Daphne asked as she, Hermione, and Pansy swam in the lake behind Potter Manor. The two Slytherin girls had spent the last few weeks at Grimmauld Place with Hermione and her family.

"I'm sure if I ask Kreacher he will," Hermione laughed, floating on her back, letting the sun kiss her skin.

"Do you think that your dads will take us into muggle London again?" Pansy asked as she retreated from the water to the little picnic they had brought out with them. "I want to go shopping again."

"You always want to go shopping," Daphne teased and the girls laughed. Suddenly they heard yelling and looked over just in time to see Harry almost flying into a tree. Hermione gasped as Draco and Theo yelled at Harry from overhead.

"Oi Potter!" Draco yelled, flying around in a circle on his broom over the lake. "What are you doing? Did you suddenly go blind?!"

Harry righted himself quickly but his gaze wasn't on the tree at all. His sole focus was Pansy Parkinson standing in her swimsuit with her hands on her hips, staring at him like he had lost his mind. Slowly a smirk started to appear on her face.

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