Chapter 21

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"Are you alright sweetheart?" Sirius asked as he braided her hair. Their outing to the Quidditch World Cup had started out so well. The boys had been thrilled and were excited about everything. Even Hermione had a smile on her face the entire time. By the time the match had begun, Hermione had busied herself with a book and conversation with Remus while everyone else cheered on the team.

The night had ended with a celebration in their tents with laughter and dancing. Suddenly everything fell apart when the sounds of screams and explosions were her. James and Sirius immediately went to investigate while Remus, Lucius, Lily, and Narcissa remained behind to watch over the children. When the two Aurors returned, they immediately gathered their families, telling the children to run and hide in the woods.

When Lucius, Sirius, and James came to retrieve their children, they found them surrounded by Aurors.

Draco held her close to him as he listened to the adults around them continued to argue with the Aurors and Bartemus Crouch.

"You're waving your wands at children!" James shouted. "You don't really think children could conjure that do you? Really?"

"They were caught at the scene of the crime!" Bartemus shouted.

"Get your wands out of my daughter's face right now!" Sirius shouted. "James, get them in line or I swear..."

"You can't threaten me! I could have your job!"

"They're just kids," Amelia Bones stated, staring at everyone, clearly uncomfortable.

"Everyone just calm down," James continued. "Lower your wands."

"Which one of you did it? Young Mr. Nott is it? Did your father teach you how to conjure it?" Crouch sneered and Theo flinched slightly causing Hermione to step in front of him.

"Was that an accusation Mr. Crouch?" Lucius snapped, his eyes narrowing. "If I were you I would think long and hard about what you are accusing our children of."

Once Crouch and the Aurors had been subdued, the men led their children back to the tents that were already packed up. Each family quickly took hold of one another and apparated to their respective homes. From the moment they had returned, Remus had ushered her up to the library while Sirius went to find Regulus and fill him in on everything that had happened. It wasn't long before they joined the two and listened as Remus read Where the Wild Things Are to their girl.

"What happened tonight... that was," she took a moment to gather her thoughts and speak clearly. "They were Death Eaters... weren't they."

"They were," Sirius nodded.

"Does that mean..."

"No," Regulus shook his head. "It does not mean that they are back. Most of the dangerous ones are locked away in Azkaban where they belong. The people who did that are probably hot-headed blood purists who just wanted to cause trouble."

"But what if they do regroup and start again?" she asked.

"It is mine and your Uncle James's job to make sure that doesn't happen," Sirius pointed out.

"I'm a Muggleborn..."

"You are a Black," he continued. "Your father, Regulus, and I will take care of you. Always."

The next few days were spent together as a family, preparing for Remus and Hermione to go off to Hogwarts for the next term. The only time spent away from Grimmauld was when Lily and Narcissa took her to buy new dress robes yet wouldn't tell her the purpose of them. Before they were ready though, they were saying their goodbyes again on the Platform. Draco, Theo, and Harry were there alongside them with their families.

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