Chapter 6

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August 1991

"Children," Narcissa sighed as she stood with the seamstress that was hemming the bottom of Hermione's new robes for school. The young woman couldn't help the giggle that escaped her throat as Draco and Harry both sheepishly froze from their current chase. "Why can't you two be as well behaved as Hermione hmm? I know that you were both taught how to properly behave out in public were you not?"

"Yes mam," Harry said with a mischievous smile and a wink to his sister who was stifling her giggles behind her hand.

"I apologize, mother," Draco said with an adorable smile that he knew always made his mother's temper melt away. "We were just having a bit of fun."

"If you two can keep calm for another five minutes we will be through," Narcissa smiled softly, her annoyance melting away just like her young son knew it would. "And I will think about a stop at Fortescue's before we head home to the manor."

"Ok Aunt Cissa," Harry replied, smiling brightly as he pushed his glasses up his nose. Chuckling as she shook her head, Narcissa turned her attention back to the young witch in front of the mirror.

"Sweetheart, do promise me that you will not let these two drag you into any of their mischief while you are at school," she said, lovingly running her fingers through her mop of curls.

"Of course not. I would never let them get me into any trouble," Hermione said with a smile. Draco and Harry both rolled their eyes as they listened to the words spill from her innocent lips.

"I know you wouldn't," Narcissa smiled. "Thank you, Genevieve. These will be perfect. We will take it in the Olive Green and the Violet as well. Under the Black account."

"Yes Lady Malfoy," the seamstress nodded and with a wave of her wand. Once Hermione had changed back into her clothes, Narcissa led them to Fortescue's for a treat just like she had promised and then through the floo to get back to the manor. It was later after their family dinner that night that the adults sat down with the three young children in the library to have a conversation. It had been just after Harry's birthday when Lily had overheard a conversation between the three of them and now with their departure a few days away, it was time to discuss it.

"What's wrong Mi?" Draco asked as he sat with Harry and Hermione in front of the fire at Potter Manor. It was a full moon night and Lily had convinced Remus and Sirius to let Hermione come and stay with them for a sleepover so James could join them for Remus' transformation. She had left them in the library with snacks, books, and games to entertain themselves as well as a fort for the three to sleep in. "You're so quiet."

"We all have our Hogwarts letters," Hermione said softly, watching the flames while she brought her knees up to her chest.

"I know. Isn't that awesome?" Harry asked, a wide smile on his face. "But why does that make you sad?"

"What if we don't all get sorted in the same house?" she asked quietly, resting her head on her knees. "Your mum and dad were in Gryffindor so that is where you will go. Draco's parents were in Slytherin and I... I don't know where a muggleborn belongs."

"You belong with us," Draco said taking one of her hands while Harry took the other. "It doesn't matter if we all end up in separate houses. You two are my best friends and we will always be best friends."

"Always," Harry nodded and squeezed her hand.

"Do you promise?" Her voice was soft, full of equal amounts of hope and fear.

"Mi I told you once that I won't go anywhere and that I would stay with you," Draco said softly. "I meant it. I'll always be right here with you. No matter what. I promise."

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