Chapter 31

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Draco sat beside Hermione at breakfast, his hand comfortably resting on her knee as he ate his breakfast. He didn't care one bit about Umbridge and her ridiculous Educational Decrees. If the toad-face woman didn't want him to sit beside his girlfriend, she would have to remove him herself. He would love to see his father get involved if she even tried to lay a finger on him.

"Bloody hell!" Theo choked out, causing Draco's attention to turn to him. The curly-haired Slytherin sat with his spoon frozen in midair and his eyes wide.

"What? What is it?" Pansy asked, her gaze turning towards whatever Theo was looking at before gasping herself. Unable to bury his curiosity, Draco turned in that direction as well and almost choked on his food at what he saw. Seated at the Ravenclaw table with red-rimmed eyes was one Marietta Edgecombe.

"Is that..." Harry began and Draco could only nod. Across the young witch's forehead were remnants of what could clearly be seen as the word SNEAK . When a soft snort sounded from beside him, the blonde wizard turned to see Hermione with a smirk on her face as she continued to eat her breakfast.

"It was you," Draco stated in shock, causing the attention of the rest of their friends to turn to her. "You said jinxed the parchment."

"I will remind you all that I told you I had a backup plan," Hermione pointed out. "The moment you signed that parchment, you entered into a contract. If someone were to break said contract, there would be consequences. The moment someone decided to snitch, they received a lovely reminder of the consequences of their actions. Seeing as how it's already begun to fade, she must have shut her mouth after she realized the danger she was in."

"Are you sure you weren't supposed to be sorted into Slytherin?" Blaise asked, raucous laughter falling across the table.

"I'm positive," she smirked. "Everyone just tends to underestimate that I am a Black."

Across the castle in the Headmaster's office, a similar conversation was being held. Sirius, Remus, James, Lily, and Regulus all sat before Albus Dumbledore, Delores Umbridge, and Cornelius Fudge. Sirius sat with his arms crossed and a defiant look on his face. He was doing his best not to smirk and laugh.

"Well I assume you all are aware of why you have been summoned," Cornelius Fudge stated.

"I'm afraid not Minister," Lily answered. "You'll have to be more specific I'm afraid."

"Did Professor Umbridge not inform you why you were called to this meeting today? Did she not inform you that your children have been breaking school rules?"

"That is utter rubbish," Sirius scoffed. "Hermione has the utmost respect for rules and following them. She would never dream of breaking any school rules."

"And Harry follows whatever Hermione says," James continued for him. "She's a wonderful influence on the boy. Had kept him out of trouble and made sure his grades are excellent."

Regulus could see the Minister's blood boiling as he became more and more frustrated with his Aurors. It was entertainment that he hadn't been aware he had been lacking. He could not wait to regale Lucius and Narcissa of all of this later on.

"So none of you were aware of the creation of an illegal student organization was created on school grounds?" the minister sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Just as unaware as you were about blood quills being used against students, Minister," Remus shot back and Sirius could help the proud smirk that crossed his face.

"Perhaps I should tell them what our informant told us," Dolores spoke and Remus couldn't help the way his jaw clenched and fists tightened.

"Yes, please do Dolores," Fudge sputtered, recovering from the quip about blood quills.

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