Chapter 27

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"What the bloody hell is that?" Harry stated, grabbing her hand and causing her to wince. She pulled her hand away from him, holding it to her chest, and went back to her work after looking around the library and making sure that no one was listening to them.

"It's nothing Harry, just leave it alone," she stated. Everyone was aware of the multiple detentions that Hermione had received and how she was different afterward. She hadn't spoken out in class again. She hadn't even found it in her to continue to yell at Fred and George Weasley about continuously testing their products on first years. The twins were in fact the ones that went to Harry worried about her. Now even Harry was worried.

"It's not nothing Hermione," he stated softly, gently reaching for her hand again and looking at what the words stated. He could feel his blood boiling underneath his skin as he looked up and met her tired eyes. "Why is this on your hand? Are these the lines she made you write?"

"How do you..."

"You're not the only one who's had detention with her Mi," he said, still holding her hand gently. "Just the only one who has had multiple. There are rumors going around... about the quill she makes people use. It's true then?"

"Harry I don't want to talk about it," she sighed.

"You need to tell someone. You need to tell Uncle Moony," he stated fiercely.

"There's nothing he can do," she tried to reason but Harry continued to shake his head. She knew that he wouldn't let it go though and that is what she was counting on. Hermione Black was a lot of things. She was brilliant and kind but she was also clever and cunning. She may be a Gryffindor but there would always be a part of her that leaned towards Slytherin.

"What did Draco say when he saw this?"

"Draco didn't say anything he hasn't seen it..."

"Seen what?" Draco asked as he walked up and set his bookbag down. "Potter, why are you holding Mi's hand?"

"How have you not seen this?" he demanded trying to show him her hand as Hermione continued to fight him.

"Mi..." he whispered, falling into his seat with his eyes wide. "Did she do this to you?"

"Please can we just..."

"No." Draco and Harry stated at the same time.

"It doesn't matter!" she snapped. "It's done."

"No," Harry argued, not backing down from her which showed just how much he cared about her because Hermione Black was as stubborn as they came. "That woman quite literally scarred you and she can't just get away with it."

"I think we all know that the Ministry doesn't care about what children have to say," she continued. "They sent her here for a reason remember?"

"Who needs the Ministry?" Draco scoffed. "All of our parents are on the Wizengamot. Sacred Twenty-Eight. Do you really think that they will just let this keep happening? Come on Mi. You're smarter than that."

"Please just stop. Ok?" she asked softly as she gathered her things. Kissing Draco's cheek, she stood from the table. Draco and Harry missed the small smirk on her face as she exited the library.

"What do we do?" Harry asked, looking directly at Draco. He wasn't going to just let this keep happening. He knew Hermione wouldn't want this to happen to anyone else and he was going to make sure of it. Whatever he had to do.

"Well we tell someone obviously," the blonde wizard rolled his eyes, pulling out a piece of parchment and a quill. "It's obvious, isn't it? We said we would protect her, always. We made that promise and we broke it. Now we call in reinforcements."

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