Chapter 16

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"Students! You will need to hand me your permission slips before any of you head off to Hogsmeade!"

Professor McGonagall stood on the steps above the group of third years that were eagerly chatting about all of the things they were going to look at and making plans for lunch.

"Professor..." Harry began, walking up cautiously to his transfiguration teacher. "I might have forgotten my permission slip. Is there any way I might be able to get another and just pop up and have Un- Professor Lupin sign it?" Harry gave her his best charming smile, but the serious look on her face did not waiver.

"I'm sorry Potter, no permission slip, no Hogsmeade. If I bend the rules for you, I would have to bend them for everybody. We can get you a new one to send off to your parents later today, but you'll have to stay behind for this afternoon's trip."

Harry nodded, a solemn look on his face as he made his way back down the stairs to his friends, defeat in his stature.

"Here... just get me some cauldron cakes, and something cool at Zonkos..." he pulled out his small pouch, handing it to Draco who gave him a puzzled look.

"Harry!" Hermione scolded, "Did you forget to have your permission slip signed?"

"I told you this on the train. I didn't even remember to pack it. I tried to see if Uncle Moony could just verbally agree but that's considered 'bending the rules' for Professor McGonagall," Harry scoffed.

"Don't be cross because you're forgetful," Hermione chastised and Harry shot his sister a glare.

"You're always perfect but you couldn't remind me?" he grumbled, crossing his arms and trying to duck from Pansy's hand as she went to mess with his hair.

Suddenly, there was a light tapping noise from behind the group of fourth years and a large, black dog walked up. With one note tied around his neck, clearly labeled for Minerva, and the other in his mouth, clearly labeled for Harry, he trotted up to the kids, nudging Hermione's hand affectionately.

Harry grinned, reaching for the note for the professor when Padfoot let out a little growl, promptly shoving his face toward Harry and dropping the letter in his mouth into Harry's hand. Padfoot trotted off, sitting happily in front of Minerva's feet, tail wagging as she waited for him to take the note.

"Mr. Potter," Professor McGonagall called out a moment later. "You may go to Hogsmeade."

"What does your note say, Harry?" Draco questioned curiously. Harry opened the parchment and everybody peered down at it.

Got your permission slip signed. Try to be a less forgetful git.

Love, Padfoot

"Come on let's go," Hermione exclaimed, grabbing hold of Draco's hand and tugging him along with her after waving enthusiastically at her father. The rest of their group chuckled as they made their way down with the rest of the student body. Sirius and Remus had told her many stories of the wonder and beauty of weekends in Hogsmeade. It was a right of passage and it would also serve as a distraction while she waited out the next lightning storm. She hoped it was sooner rather than later. 

Draco held her hand in his, a permanent smile on his face. They had always walked hand in hand, ever since they were both little. It was as normal as breathing for the two of them. Sneaking a glance over at her, Draco couldn't help but chuckle softly as he watched the wide smile on her face and the excitement dancing through her eyes.

"Where should we go first?" the curly-haired witch asked, turning her smile towards Draco. "Should we go to Honeydukes?"

"No Zonkos!" Harry shouted.

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