Chapter 7

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As Draco made his way to the Slytherin table, the students clad in green and silver clapping for him, he couldn't help but let a frown settle on his face. He sat down at an empty piece of the table, looking across the room at Hermione, who gave him a small smile and wave. He tried to match her enthusiasm, but couldn't help the fallen look that came across his face as he watched Harry get sorted into Gryffindor. Now both of his friends were in a different house than him. There weren't many more to be sorted and finally, dinner showed up on the table. Theo nudged him lightly on the shoulder and Draco turned his head slightly to look at the brunette boy.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked as he reached for a biscuit.

"My friends got sorted into Gryffindor and I didn't," Draco admitted, picking at his green beans.

"Did you want to be in Gryffindor?" Theo questioned, raising a brow. He was pretty familiar with the Malfoy family, seeing as the few letters he got from his father in Azkaban constantly demeaned the "traitors" who caused the downfall of Voldemort many years ago. While Theo pretty much lived in his manor alone, aside from his aunt who occasionally popped in to make sure he was alive, he secretly had no complaints his death eater father was locked away.

"No, not really," Draco paused, "my whole family has been Slytherins as long as I can remember..."

"So we're your friends now," the girl across from them spoke up. Pansy Parkinson sat confidently, a smirk on her face as she cut into her chicken. "I'm Pansy Parkinson and this is Blaise Zabini" she pointed at the quiet boy next to her, who offered a half-wave and a small smile. "And I'm Daphne Greengrass," the blonde next to her offered with a grin.

"Theo Nott," the brunette nodded and Draco suddenly found four pairs of eyes on him. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy," he introduced himself.

"Well Draco Malfoy, now you have four new friends," Pansy informed him.


As Hermione followed Percy Weasley and the group of students up the staircases, she couldn't help but think about all of the stories that her fathers had told her about the Gryffindor Common Room. She watched in fascination as the staircases moved, listening to Percy Weasley go on about the History of Hogwarts. As they made their way towards the common room, they ran into a poltergeist named Peeves before finally arriving outside the portrait of the Fat Lady she had heard so much about.

As she entered the room, a warm smile crossed her face as she took in the cosy, round room. The large fire was roaring and the chairs and couches around the room looked comfortable and squashy. The room was decorated in Crimson and Gold, obviously the favored colors of Gryffindor. She had heard the views from the tower were incredible and she couldn't wait to see them for herself.

"Welcome to the Gryffindor common room," Percy Weasley said as all the first years gathered around him. "Boys dormitories are upstairs and down to the left, girls are the same on your right. You'll find that all of your belongings have already been brought up."

Once they were settled, Hermione found herself going back to the common room and cozying up by the fire with a book. Her familiar wasn't far behind. She was worried about Draco. He was all alone in Slytherin House. She knew that it was always a possibility, but it becoming a reality was still sad. He was one of her favorite people in the world and he wasn't here with them.

"You'll see him tomorrow at breakfast I'm sure Mi," Harry said soothingly, dropping himself down onto the couch behind his sister as she looked up from the book she was reading. Crookshanks was curled up in her lap, contently sleeping but somehow still keeping one eye open and staring at Ronald Weasley. Harry knew exactly what she was thinking about. She was always worrying about either him or Draco.

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