Epilogue #1

572 24 15

October 1999

Silver eyes gazed at a picture on the mantle, his fingers tenderly picking it up. They were all in their caps and gowns, smiles on their faces. Draco twirled Hermione as she laughed before pulling her against him, gently kissing her. Harry was trying to snog Pansy who was swatting him away. The blonde wizard could still hear his boisterous laugh from that moment. It was no surprise to anyone when the raven-haired wizard got down on one knee and proposed only a mere few months later after Daphne and Theo's wedding.

He could remember their graduation as if it were only yesterday. Their Seventh year had come and gone so quickly, it was a blur. He and Hermione were head boy and girl of course. They shared a dorm, much to the chagrin of her fathers even though Lucius had praised how his son was a perfect gentleman and would never take advantage of their daughter. No one needed to know that the two practically shared a bed their entire last year.

The sound of the door opening caused Draco to stand up straight, setting the picture back down on the mantle. Sirius Black strolled in, his auror robes lung over his shoulder. His eyebrow was raised in curiosity as he took in the young man waiting for him. "Draco," Sirius smirked. "I wasn't expecting to see you here in the study. Waiting for kitten?"

"No sir," Draco shook his head. "Mi left for Madam Malkins with my mother and Regulus. It seems he required backup against my mother. She can be..."

"Scary," Sirius laughed, pouring himself a drink. "She can be downright scary. Reg shouldn't have given her free reign over his binding ceremony. Drink?"

"She's been itching for another to plan since Theo and Daphne wed," Draco chuckled. "No thank you."

"Well if you aren't here for my kitten, what are you here for then hmm?"

"I'm actually here to talk to you."

"To me? The last time you came to talk to me, you were asking to court my daughter. Are you about to ask me if you can marry her?"

Sirius was met with silence, causing him to freeze. Grey eyes bore into silver ones as if he was trying to read his soul. Draco Malfoy was about to ask him if he could marry his little wolf. How was a father supposed to be prepared for this moment?


"Merlin and fucking Morgana... you are. You're here to ask me for permission," Sirius stated and then laughed. "My gods if she ever hears of this, she is going to be livid."

"I wouldn't say I'm asking permission," Draco clarified. "I'm going to marry her whether you say yes or not. But I know she would be grateful knowing that you and Remus were supportive of it. She's independent and strong and I love that about her... but she is still that little girl who was abandoned and rescued by Padfoot and Remus. Your opinion matters to her."

"You know," Sirius chuckled, shaking his head and downing his drink. With a deep breath, he made his way over to the young wizard and rested his hand on the boy's shoulder. "I've never once had to worry about you protecting and loving my daughter. Protecting her virtue? Abso-fucking-lutely. But her happiness? Never. Even if I wanted to say no... which to be clear, I don't... you are her anchor and she loves you deeply. I would never take that away from her... or you for that matter."

"Thank you, sir," Draco smiled.

"If anyone is going to marry my daughter one day, well I guess I'm glad it will be you. But you get to be the one to tell Harry you're proposing to his sister."


"Sirius would you stop pacing," Narcissa sighed as she poured herself a glass of wine. "You are making me nauseous."

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