Chapter 36

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Platform Nine and Three-Quarters December 1996

"I just can't wait for Dobby's Treacle Tart," Harry sighed, holding Pansy's hand as he helped her off the train. Fondly she rolled her eyes, pecking him on the cheek. There were a few things in this life that Harry cared most about; Pansy, Mi, and Treacle Tart. "It's honestly the best. I know the elves at Hogwarts make it but it's just not the same."

"You act as if Dobby makes the dessert just for you," Draco commented, stepping off before turning and lifting Hermione down, causing her to smile. A genuine grin of his own crossed his face before he kissed her nose and wrapped an arm around her, taking Crookshanks and his carrier into his free hand. "Besides, maybe he will make Mi's favorite this year. She is his favorite."

"She is all of the house elves' favorite," Theo commented, joining them on the platform. It wasn't a secret that the elves adored the young witch that fought in their honor. They were enamored with her and her kindness and presented her with anything she wanted. The group continued to chit-chat and make their way through the crowd but what they saw caused Draco to raise a brow.

Instead of the rather large group that usually awaited their arrival home from Yule, Narcissa Malfoy stood alone, a smile on her face. Even Remus hadn't joined her from the train which was odd. Draco couldn't help but look down at Hermione who was looking at his mother nervously. He could feel her magic beginning to reach out and swirl around them. The young wizard led the group forward, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

"Mother," Draco stated, a small smile on his lips as they reached her. Narcissa smiled at all the children.

"Hello my dragon," she stated as if the fact that she was there alone was a normal occurrence. "Are you all ready?"

"Narcissa... where is my dad?" Hermione asked cautiously. Draco's fingers ran through her curls, attempting to bring her some semblance of comfort.

"Your father and James were called out into the field for a case. Nothing to worry about," she stated easily. "Lucius and Regulus had a small errand to run while Lily had last-minute Holiday shopping to attend to."

"What about Uncle Moony? I didn't see him on the train," Harry pointed out, suspicious for the first time in his life of what Draco's mother was saying to them.

"Remus had to stay at Hogwarts a little while longer and will be coming home this evening to join us all," she stated before turning her attention to the witch joining their party. "Pansy darling, I believe you are spending Yule with Hermione at Grimmauld yes?"

"Yes Mrs. Malfoy," Pansy nodded.

"Excellent. Well, we must be off, I can't wait to hear all about your adventures so far this year."


The light surrounding their destination seemed to grow closer by the minute. As the boat came to a halt, Sirius and Regulus stepped out and disillusioned themselves, sending the boat back. They waited silently as groups of two at a time made their way across the dark lake. The island itself was no larger than the Great Hall at Hogwarts. There would be no element of surprise to fall back on. Regulus knew the second they made the first steps, Bellatrix would know.

"Finite," a voice called out, ending the disillusionment charm.

"Well that didn't take long," Charlie murmured.

"Well, well," Bellatrix smirked, twirling her wand in her hand as she daintily pranced around the rocks. "If it isn't my blood traitor cousins. Come to die? I can always count on you doing exactly what I wanted."

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