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When ummi was told who her husband is she was in complete shock, never in her entire life did she know she will ever get married to someone as influential as fu'ad Amin Bindawa,
She's an anti social person but that doesn't mean she don't know all the renown rich bachelors in the country,
It's been 4 days since her wedding and the Bindawa's requested for a some time before they come carry her from her parent's house, ummi feel exhausted all this is just draining her energy and emotions, 2days ago the family brought her lefe which become the entire topic on the social media says her cousins since she isn't on any social media,
  Ummi is an awkward introverted girl, she's not even on a regular WhatsApp, her phone is mainly use for regular phone calls and sometimes read some random books on the wattpad app she's become obsessed with.

"Ummi." Her mum call entering her bedroom making her to sit upright.

"Yes Mummy." She answer grabbing the veil and cover her head with it.

"Won't you come out a little,
You've been inside this room since morning." Her mum say worriedly and ummi just smile weakly at her.

For farhana she couldn't have ask the Almighty for a better daughter, ummi is a blessing and every parent will be happy to have her as a daughter, her introverted behaviour is something farhana is worried about, they have a healthy mother daughter relationship but there's just this boundaries, Ummi is quiet and mysterious unlike her twin brother who farhana still wonders where the boy got the loud personality from, they are a complete opposite of each other.

"Fu'ad mum called." Her mum say making her to glance at her.
"They are coming to pick you this evening." Her mum break the news and ummi feels her heart sink.

She haven't meet anyone from her husband family yet except for fu'ad junior sister and two other girls who are his cousin, they didn't give her a really welcoming vibe but ummi doesn't care because that's the type of person she is she doesn't have problem with people liking her or not.

"OK." Ummi say smiling weakly at her mum.

"Ummi." Farhana say grabbing her daughter's hand in hers.
"Marriage life it's never easy, I don't know much about this guy but from the few people that know him they said he's a nice guy, he's raheem bestfriend so I'm positive he will be a workalcohlic, this is a new phase in your life, you will experience good and bad moment but if you don't give up you will eventually find that happiness, you don't have to love to be married i have learn that a long time ago, I never loved your dad when we got married but today if i didn't see him for a day i don't sleep at  night, we've had our own ups and down but we didn't give up, I want you to be patience, endure and tolerate whatever you will face there and if you ever need someone to talk to remember you are my bestfriend." Her mum say and ummi nod with a smile.

Farhana smile and hug her daughter,

"You will go in there and bath,
The make up artist is here and your clothes will be send to you." Her mum say and ummi nod.

She wait until her mum exit the bedroom before she sigh, ummi is scared, she's scared of commitment, she doesn't know what to think of this fu'ad guy but despite saving her from the humiliation that day he hasn't call her, her brother show her his picture he's indeed bless with all the looks, ummi only hope for one thing, that the disappointment on her wedding day should turn out to be a blessing.

The Bindawa's have something in common, a strong love for each other, wealth and reputation has never be an obstacle to affect there healthy relationship with each other,
When the news of fu'ad unexpected marriage reach to them all his mum said was, she pray is for the best.

"Ya fu'ad a selfie please." The girl probably in her teenage age say and he give her a bored look with a smile and she click the phone screen.

"Can i go now?
I have a business dinner to attend and it's getting late." He say standing up as a boy walk inside the parlour.

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