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"what is the problem fu'ad?
You are making me worried."ummi ask once they enter the parlour and fu'ad facepalm with a sigh.

He saunter upstairs leaving a confused ummi by the staircase as she hear the loud bang of his bedroom door, she look at her phone screen with hope firdaus call will come in but none.

She glance at the kitchen and decide to make breakfast for fu'ad, it's not even up to a week, she's not a lousy person so she's really not looking forward to any problem, she's happy with how her relationship with fu'ad is going, so anything that will make things change she will avoid it at all cost, she set the frying pan on the stove and begin peeling the plantain as the sound from the staircase makes her peek through the door.

"Fu'ad."ummi call and he turn to where she's standing by the door, somehow ummi have a way of making him less upset, he massage his forehead and walk to the kitchen.

"Is everything alright?"ummi ask as he sit on the stool.

Fu'ad just stay quiet staring at ummi, her personality and gentleness is something that always fascinate him,
How can his dad even think of something like that it's not even up to a week since they got married.

"Do you want me to fry egg for you with the plantain?"ummi ask dropping the topic about his parents house making him to release a deep breathe.

Let me help."fu'ad say standing up from the stool making ummi to smile weakly at him.

He grab two of the carrot and begin dicing them as ummi start frying the plantain, the two just work quietly around the kitchen everyone engross in there own thought.

"You know you don't have to be upset with your parents right?
They always want what's best for us."ummi say truthfully even do she doesn't know what is it she just want fu'ad to know parents are always right and they always choose what's best for us.

Fu'ad glance at ummi for some time and drop knife on the chopping board, he walk to where she's standing making her to turn from the stove and stare at him.
She cannot even believe he's are husband, it feel soo weird to be true, he have the looks, the looks every girl would drool on and he have the money, everything is just too perfect to be real for her.

"Mimi."fu'ad call releasing a heavy breathe still staring at her.
"I know the circumstances we meet and how our marriage happened isn't the best, but this past three days with you make me realises we don't have to know someone for a very long time to be happy with them, I don't know why this is about happening or how it will end but i just want you to know,
My past will always be my past, you are my present now and hopefully my future, I don't want to think or believe any circumstances will change our relationship or drift us apart even do we barely know each other."fu'ad say and ummi smile, it's the most sweetest thing anyone has ever say to her and it just make her happy and emotional, not knowing what to say she hug fu'ad with a smile and he hug her back releasing a deep satisfying breathe.

Ummi is soo small and short so she just wrapped her chubby hands around him which makes him smile as he drop his head on hers, the two stay in that position for a while before fu'ad attention reaches the now black plantain and he break the hug laughing.

"The plantain."fu'ad say laughing and quickly turn off the stove.

"That's not so nice."ummi say and fu'ad shrug.

"Now what?
Should i order breakfast?"he ask and ummi nod.

"Sound nice,
I'm so tired."ummi say head for the door as fu'ad trail behind her scrolling through his phone to place the order, ummi sit on the three sitter couch with a sigh and fu'ad sit next to her, she absentmindedly lay and drop her head on his lap making him to glance at her but didn't comment as he begin replying some of his emails.

"Fu'ad."ummi call after a while and he humm in response but didn't look up.

"Do you believe in fate and happy ever after?"ummi ask and the question caught fu'ad off guard, he drop his phone aside and stare at ummi who's staring right at him making him to smile with a chuckle.

"I do Mimi,
I mean it's fate that brings us both together, if it weren't for fate i would never marry that day,
And for happy ever after."fu'ad say with a sigh.
I don't know ummi, I do be lieing to you if i say I'm not scared sometimes of commitment, the responsibility it comes with and........I just hope i can be a good husband."fu'ad say and ummi smile.

"You are a good husband already fu'ad,
I just want you to know i will always be there for you regardless whatever life will throw on us, my mum always told me the road to happiness is never easy."ummi say as her mind drift to her parent, they are like the most perfect couples she ever seen but her mum always told her every love story, every marriage have it own obstacles the best way to get that happy ever after is by not giving up.

The two spend the morning in the parlour, talking mostly about there past as they eat there breakfast, despite the smile on her face and the beautiful moment she's having with fu'ad she still wonder what news await her but nevertheless ummi knows one thing that whatever it is, come rain come sunshine she will be there for fu'ad, it is until around 1pm that fu'ad dressed up and leave for work, it's not even up to 30minute his mum arrive.

"Ummi."her mother in-law call with a sigh as she stare at her worriedly, she's a lady and she knows very well no woman will ever be happy with the news she's about to break for ummi.

"Na'am mummy ."ummi say nervously as she stare at the carpeted floor of the parlour.

"Firstly i want you to know,
I care about you like my own daughter, but we mother's sometimes there are certain decision that we don't have a say or what to do about it,
But as the saying goes ummi "hausawa sukache komai yayi farko, akwai karshensa"
Ummi if you marry a man you should know you marry him and his problems and also family."her mother in-law pause and ummi feel her heartbeat picking with curiosity, she just want to hear whatever it is so she can have peace of mind.

"Abbahn Ku want fu'ad to marry Raziqah, I don't know if fu'ad told you about her but they both dated for a while until things go sour."her mother in-law explain and ummi release a heavy breathe of relaxation, she thought they where going to tell her fu'ad will divorce her but this is alot better than what her mind has been thinking.

"Mummy i don't have a problem with that, by Allah a man is for four wives,
May Almighty choose what's best for us."ummi say with a weak smile and her mother in-law just stare weirdly at her, sure people talk of ummi softhearted behaviour but this just seems to unbelievable for her, especially at this early stage of there marriage.

I don't know why God bless fu'ad with you but i hope you will be there for my son, he really do care about you,
I haven't seen him this happy,
Be patience as you are and i assure you everything will turn out well, I'm also still trying to speak to my husband about the marriage,
Kinga ko sati fah auren naku baiyi ba azo Kuma da maganan kishiya haka ai babu dadi."fu'ad mum say and ummi just smile at her.

She continue talking to ummi, mostly about marriage obstacles and what her own experience has been since she married her husband years ago by evening she bid her goodbye and leave assuring her everything will be fine and she will still try and speak to her husband to reconsider his decision.

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