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"he has been fine staying with me,
Whatever it is you and your wife did to my son that will lead to him been in this situation...........

"Ummi."jalal say grabbing his wife by hand who has been on a long tirade since they got to the hospital.

"Calm down,
Take a deep breathe".jalal say sitting her on the chair by the reception and hand her the case of water but she decline.

Fu'ad who's standing with his wife by the side just hate the fact that ummi is right, he doesn't want to blame Raziqah but at thesame time he believes if she watch the boys closely none of this would have happened.

"Bindawa."the doctor call and jalal help ummi up as they all saunter to where the doctor is.

"Your son is fine,
Well he's asthmatic I guess you both know......

"No we don't ."ummi say instantly and the doctor glance at her.

I guess this is his first attack,
Well we have run some test and if it's ok you can come to the office with me to discuss this."the doctor say.

"What difference will it make if you say it here,
This is my wife and I will still tell her whatsoever."fu'ad say and ummi glance at Raziqah.

"He's my husband so it's fine."ummi say pointing at jalal the doctor shake his head tiredly.

"Okay did you two had a genotype test before getting married because your son is an SS an.....

"My son is what?
How's that possible?
I'm an AA."fu'ad say and ummi look up at the doctor confuse.

"Doctor are you sure about this?
I'm an AS but.......

"Is this even my son,
Doctor please we need a DNA test."fu'ad say quickly and ummi glance at him confuse.

"What do you mean by that?
You think i have cheated on you or something,
Don't disrespect me like that"ummi say and fu'ad snort.

"Obviously everything is possible."fu'ad say with a snort.

"You two need to calm down sir,
We will perhaps do the genotype again and we will need your blood sample for the DNA and I'm afraid the result will be ready in 48hours time."the doctor explain and fu'ad frustratedly scratch his head.

Just do what you can."fu'ad say and glance at ummi who's talking with jalal.

"Calm down baby,
Everything will be fine."Raziqah say touching him on the shoulder but he remove her hand with a hiss before sauntering to the elevator.

"What if it's actually right?
Jalal i don't even have a single explanation of what is going on,
If little Amir is asthmatic that is understandable but he's a "Sickle cell" baby, do you know what that means?
How can it be possible "ummi say confuse and jalal just put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

The two stay in the hospital until the next morning and they were allow to see the little boy, ummi couldn't help but breakdown and by morning the news have already reached her family and her elder brother rushed to the hospital.

Ummi's POV

"What do you mean by who's the father?
Fu'ad is the father,
What does a stupid genotype have to prove, if you don't want to believe me then fine but stop adding to my problems."I say upset with the questions my brother and everyone keeps asking me.

"Well the DNA result will be ready tomorrow and fu'ad is already talking about custody whatsoever, none of this is making any sense to anyone."my brother say and i just stay quiet staring at the little boy who's now asleep.

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