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Ummi's pov

3weeks, agonizing three weeks has past since fu'ad found the sketch which he doesn't want to hear any explanation from me, i have try several time to speak to him but he refused to give me a listening ear, I Haven't see or heard from jalal since that night, I don't know what transpire between him and fu'ad but firdaus told me jalal is in Morocco,
He doesn't answer my calls and left my message hanging without reply,
I feel so alone and lonely, jalal used to be the only person that keeps me company with him gone I'm just by myself, firdaus travel withy mother in-law something about baby shopping for me.

I'm currently sitting in the parlour not knowing what to do as always, this marriage is tiring, my brother visited me two days ago i haven't tell anyone about the situation of things in my matrimonial home yet, he told me grandpa Amir is sick and has been taken to Egypt for treatment, I feel so alone, the door to the par open and i quickly stand up.

"Fu'ad."I call walking to where he's standing.

Can't you atleast give me a listening ear?

"I don't have your time ummi,
This marriage I'm tired and sick of it,
I'm getting married in two months time i don't care whether or not you give birth, that's your problem to deal with because this illegitimate kids you are carrying .......I don't have a single trust in you ummi."he say and that is the most hurtful word anyone has ever say to me.

Those sketches have been there since before we got married, I don't know what else you want me to say."I say and he hiss heading upstairs.

"Fu'ad if you walk out of me i will leave this house."I say and I'm seriously not Joking, my patience is exhausted I cannot take any of this anymore.

"You will leave?
Then leave ummi,
"Kije kawaii, auren ya kare kowa ya huta"he say and i stare at him I'm bewilderment.

"Fu'ad,"I say and he open his office bag rummaging through it,
Here, I have been contemplating on when is the right time to give you but maybe now is the right time,"he say and i refuse to collect the white envelope.

"What is this?"I say and i can hear my own voice trembling.

I thought you want a divorce,
Here it is,
Sa ki biyun da ya rage ne,
That way we will all be free from this thing we call marriage."he say and i stare at him speechless, I can feel the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Anyway if you won't collect it then,
It's still same right,
If i say it,
Na sa ke ki ummi saki biyu,
He say and i just stare at him strangely, this isn't my fu'ad, my fu'ad will never do this thing, it all feel like a dream but then it's not a dream, it's the harsh reality of whatever because i don't think i can call the qadr.

"Now if you will excuse me i have a date to go."he say and instead of heading upstairs he walk back to the park and exit the house.

I stand there rooted to the floor, I couldn't move, it's as if my whole body is been stitched to the spot, I muster the few courage remaining inside of me and clean my face with the back of my hand,
I raise my leg to move but a penetrating excruciating pain in my abdomen makes me stand rooted as i feel a cold liquid soaking my underwear.

"I'm in labor."I say to myself crying,
My phone is upstairs, I glance at the long stairs and scream when a sudden pain pierce through my spine,i raise my leg and take few steps but couldn't continue so I kneel by the staircase praying silently for God to send down his miracle on me.

Jalal pov

Quickly climbing inside the car i decide to go to the very house i left, I couldn't even stand fu'ad, I cannot believe he's accusing me of something so disrespectful and low, I was angry and he even have the guts to kicked me out of his house, I won't blame him because he have the right to do so,
I spend about two weeks in Morocco before i come back and decide to stay at my aunt house, today I'm going to park my Remaining stuffs from fu'ad house, I haven't tell anyone what happened i just tell my mum i don't feel comfortable living there anymore, I really want to see ummi and see how she's been doing, she called and even texted me couple of time but I didn't reply not because i don't want to but because i don't want problems, I avoid them because i appreciate my happiness.

"Good evening sir."one of the security guys greet and I nod.

"Is fu'ad at home?"I ask scanning the many cars in the garage as i close my car door.

He just left,
But ma,am is inside."he say and i nod.

I deliberate on parking my stuffs befir checking on ummi or check on her before parking my stuff,
I am just excited to see her, I decide to go in first, I saunter to the front porch and push the door open.

"Sallamu'alaikum."I say closing the door behind me and i spot her laying on the floor by the staircase Making me to quickly run there.

"Ummi."I call kneeling and shaking her as my hand touch the cold sticky liquid on the floor.

She must have been in labor for only God knows and ended up passing out, I quickly lift her up bridal style suprised by how light she feel, she must have lost alot of weight, I feel guilty for leaving, fu'ad is definitely an idiot he has not been taking care of ummi.

I support her with my leg and open the door before quickly rush to my car as one of the security guard open the back door for me and i drop her inside, before rushing to the driver side and hop in quickly shutting the door and drive in speed out of the house.

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