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"so you don't have a specific job?"ummi ask sitting on the kitchen island with a smile as she dangle her legs up and down.

"I don't."jalal say turning the baby food into the bowl.

"Then how do you make a living?
I mean how's Mr jalal going to take care of his family now that he have a full responsibility of been a family man."ummi ask and jalal chuckle unstrapping the little boy from the baby carrier and sit him on the high chair.

"I say i don't have a job but i earn a living, I have my huge monthly salary and a alot of monthly weekly allowances."jalal say scooping the cereal and feel the little boy.

"Huh really!
So how do you get soo much money without working?"ummi ask and jalal chuckle.

"For been my father's son i think i deserve a salary to that."jalal say with a sigh.

"I don't like the office environment ummi,
it's not my thing, when i brought u the idea of running a restaurant business my dad refuses do i can start up any business I want but........
Anyway well my dad send me some money do i still once in a while attend some business if he's busy,
I just want to be happy ummi."jalal say with a smile staring at ummi.

It's been a long two weeks since there wedding, for ummi she do never get tired of jalal company, she's never been this soo Happy, she hate the fact that fu'ad memories and that feeling she thought she have soo strong towards him is fading away without much effort, jalal according to him he want to be a full time house husband, ummi find it rather hilarious but jalal makes it clear to her that he's certainly a family man, according to him he's seen how his mum suffered while growing up, his dad wasn't Always there, it's all about making more money to the bindawa's but for him he do always want to put family first, ummi resume to work two days ago and jalal offered to stay with the kids she decline but someone as persistent as jalal you can never say no, she left him with the boys and to her suprise when she got back, he made lunch and the boys were asleep, jalal is definitely a rare husband material.

"This taste nice."ummi say with a smile and jalal glance up at her.

"I'm a good cook."he say and she nod.

"Yes you are,
And you know what?"she ask and he shake his head.

"You are my husband,
Isn't that wonderful,
I love food."ummi say and jalal smile at her.

He stare at ummi for a while, there are days where he want to tell her something, a secret he do know will bring nothing rather than shattered every single trust and happiness they are building, even do he believe and know very well, ummi will never find out about it unless he tells her but sometimes life have a way of twisting things and as the saying goes "secrets are like smokes you can't hide them forever, they do reveal themselves one way or the other"

"Ummi."he call and she look up with a smile.

"Will you always be with me?"he ask and ummi give him a confuse look.

"Why not?
You've been my dream guy jalal,
I will be with you in sickness, in pain, I will share your happiness and pain,
I will always be there for you,
I want us to share that "eternal desire"ummi say with a smile and jalal smile weakly at her.

"What if one day something come up?
What if you get to know something dark about me?"he ask and ummi stare at him for a while.

"We also have a secret jalal and we all have that ugly thing inside of us,
Sometimes we reach out to it and commit sins that we aren't proud of,
I won't judge you but i hope we both never come to witness that day"ummi say with a lopsided smile.

Jalal stare at ummi deliberately, he want to tell ummi but at thesame time he is soo afraid of the consequences, he doesn't want them to keep anything from each other he want them to have an open relationship one that they both can confide in each other .

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