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Biting on the Akara, ummi take a scoop full of the Brownish Akamu as she laugh hysterically at the comedy performance by Bovi, it's Saturday evening she wasn't surprise when fu'ad left for work very early morning the fact that it was heavily raining doesn't help her curiosity if he have any hubby aside working,
  She is fasting and decide the best thing to break her fast with is her all time favorite Akara balls with the Brownish millet Akamu, she have to personally call her twin brother and plead him to get some for her, the parlour door open and she glance at the wall clock that shows 8:50pm before she turn her gaze to the door.

"I will make the transaction this night,
The meeting will still hold Tomorrow i don't want your opinion."the fu'ad say closing the door shut and end the call with a tiring sigh.

"Welcome back."ummi say with a smile and drop the bowl of Akamu before standing up.

"Thank you.
Such a long day,
How was your day?"fu'ad ask dropping the office bag and his blazers on the couch.

How was yours?"ummi ask staring at him as he sit tiredly on the couch next to her and he shrug.

What do we have?"he say picking one of the Akara making ummi to smile as she sit on her previous spot.

"I fast today but i cooked the fried rice you've ask me to."she say and fu'ad shake his head.

"I think i will eat this,
It's been decades since i eat some,
Ohhh and....."he say shuffling into his pocket as ummi Furrow her brow.

"A client brought this in the office,
I think you will like it."he say removing the small necklace and ummi collect with a smile.

"It's beautiful,
Thank you."she say and he nod with a smile.

Fu'ad knows he's not the best husband material out there, five days since there marriage and he haven't spend a single day at home with ummi, she neither complain and always wait for him to be back home before she goes to bed, ummi is sure a blessing in disguise.

How about we go out and eat dinner?"he suggest and ummi Furrow her brow.

"When?"she ask and he shrug.

I mean if you want to,
I just think we both need to spend some time together, I'm barely home."he say and ummi smile widely at him.

"It sound good and.....
But you know tomorrow you have an early morning."she say and fu'ad shrug.

"Is it a no?"he say faking to be hurt and ummi chuckle.

"It's a yes."she say and fu'ad stand up.

"I guess we should get ready then,
I honestly need a long shower,
Can you believe i have been sitting in same position since morning?"he say as ummi stand up, she grab his blazers and the office bag from the couch.

"Do you have an hubby aside working?"ummi ask as they both head the stairs and fu'ad laugh.

"I do now,
To be sincere now i always look forward to come back home knowing you will be sitting in this parlour waiting for me, it makes me want to round up my schedule quickly so i can come back home, so in conclusion my new hubby is spending time with you."he say glancing at ummi who chuckle.

"Very long explanation,
I'm also Always anticipating for you to show up."ummi say and the two continue there walk up the stairs, she hand him his stuffs and they both go there seperate ways.

Fu'ad pov

Ummi might not be my dream girl but she's a good wife material, the most fascinating thing about her is her caring personality, I don't have to think twice to know she have a big heart, she's caring and very considerate, I'm definitely looking forward to spending the rest of my life with a woman like her.

"Are you done already?"I ask coming down the stairs and she look up from her phone screen.

"Yes."she say with a smile as i scan the clothes she's wearing, ummi is an introverted anti social girl, she's definitely not into all those girly things, haven't seen her wearing any clothes aside abaya and right now she's wearing a black abaya, her face free from any make up, but all that doesn't matter to me if she's comfortable wearing that I'm OK with it, No matter the amount of make up she apply or how she dress at the end of the day She will still be ummi in my eyes.

"Where are we going to?"she ask as i open the front door for her to go first.

"Somewhere around NEXT there's an eatery there."I explain as we head outside, waving at the few security guards walking around.

"I don't really go out,
Did they have ice cream?"she ask and i chuckle.

"They do."I say opening the car door for her and she slip in muttering a thank you.

"I am going to eat there pasta it's delicious you should try it."I say and she nod.

"I will,
I love food."she say as i start the ignition.

The  long 30minutes drive is a short one, we make small conversation about ourselves, ummi told me she love sketching, she also live reading which is something i already know since she's always carrying one of those big novels with her, in general ummi is a nerd but she doesn't want to be address as that.

"The place is quiet."she say smiling as she comes out of the car.

Not many people knows the place,
Let's go."I say and i don't know why i grab her by the hand as she keeps looking around the place.

"I w..........ummi try saying but she bump into someone and i look up.

"Sorry."ummi say as i pick her phone that's on the floor.

"Fu'ad."the familiar voice say as i use my handkerchief to clean my wife phone and look up.

"Raziqah."I say staring at her as my wife glance at the girl but didn't comment.

"Uhmmmmm My lady this is Raziqah my Ex fiancée."I say and i don't know how but i know i definitely sound sarcastic.

"Hi."ummi say politely as always and even smile.

Raziqah scan ummi from head to toe before averting her gaze back to me,
Sure Raziqah is beautiful, even beautiful than my wife, she is also into all the girly stuff on planet, as always she have the most heavy make up on her face and she's probably wearing the most expensive clothe and holding the latest designer handbag.

"You can do better than this."she say and i Furrow my brow.

"My one can we go?
I'm tired of standing."ummi say and i node with a smile.

"Sure babe.
Shall we."I say and she glance at Raziqah.

"Bye Raziqah."she say and we head inside the restaurant.

For ummi seeing Raziqah in reality just make her feel insecure about herself, sure the picture her sister in-law show her didn't do justice to the girl, She's beautiful and the thought of her been fu'ad Ex definitely makes her worried, she wonder if her husband is over her or seeing her today will rather trigger that old flames, love can be dramatic at times, she feel all her appetite gone and she just want to be home.

"Mimi."fu'ad call and she look up suddenly surprise by the new name.

"What happened?
Did i say something you don't like?"fu'ad ask she can sense the worrisome in his voice but that still doesn't make her relax.

"Your Ex is beautiful."ummi say, she's not one of those people that can keep something to themselves, she prefer to say it than to keep hurting.

"Jadwa."fu'ad say grabbing her hands that's on the table.

"You are my wife now,
Raziqah and i are in the past,
You are beautiful in my eyes,
I admire you the way you are,
She's my Ex and she will always be my Ex."fu'ad say but even the ummi feel as do he's saying that to convince himself.

She smile weakly at him and decide to push all negative thought from her head.

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I love you all.

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