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Ummi's pov

It's been 6days and I'm still in the hospital,do the doctor say i will be discharge by tomorrow which I'm really looking forward to except for the fact that my babies will stay in the hospital for another 2months for them to be healthy, I was suprised when fu'ad barge into my hospital room 5days ago, he's gained back his memory and is acting as charming as always, he's been by my side all this 6days, he work once in a while on his laptop tho,
I'm still not sure what the state of our marriage is, fu'ad divorce me before he had this accident that makes his regain his memory but then how valid is it, as far as I know we are not longer spouse, he's menta stable and he did what he had to do because he believes is the right thing, I'm just soo confuse the few times i brought up the conversation fu'ad refuses to listen to me, I am yet to tell anyone about this, I am soo confuse and tired of everything.

"Mims."fu'ad call gaining my attention and I look up from where I'm laying on the hospital bed.

"We will be discharge this evening,
I was thinking if you will see the babies before we leave."he ask and i nod before quietly turning my  gaze to the wall.

I'm going to my parents."I say and he give me a confuse look.
Let's not do something we will both regret, fu'ad you divorce me,
There no marriage between us,
I know you..............

"Ummi no one know about this,
Why can't we just keep it to ourselves,
Please, come on don't make this difficult for me,
We have children now,
We are parents."he say and i shake my head.

"What about our religion?
What about the saying of the almighty?
If we continue staying together what are we going to call ourselves?
I care about you........

"No you don't ummi,
You don't?
If you do you would do this for me,
I know i hurt you and i apologize to you, I say I'm sorry and......... . he stand up from where he's sitting and drop the laptop on the bed.

"Ummi."he say walking to the side of my bed and kneel on the floor making me to look away.
"Ummi please look at me,"he say and i sigh shaking my head.
"I'm sorry,
Please let's put all this behind, I don't even think the divorce is valid, I wasn't even thinking straight,

I'm not saying you are at fault,
I don't know what to do,
Can't you understand?
This is also difficult for me, what happened this few days of our marriage is like the most difficult situation i have ever found myself in,
You weren't always there fu'ad,
All that doesn't even matter to me now but we have to do what is right?"I say and he shake his head.

"Is this because of jalal?

"This have nothing to do with jalal,
He was there for me,
Yes and that sketch you keep emphasizing on i told you it's an old sketch it has been with me even before i married,
You don't even trust me fu'ad,
What happened to us?
What happened to all the promises we mad to be there for each other regardless?
What happened to the "eternal love " we wanted to share,
You lost your memory fu'ad,
I was still there for you regardless all the things you did to me?
Do you know how hurt and how miserable i have been?
No you don't,
7months fu'ad,
For 7months i have been pregnant and you haven't been there even for once, the few minutes you are around you humiliated me,
You loss your memory but you weren't crazy."I say upset and fu'ad shake his head.

"I'm sorry ummi."he say and i snort.

"Will sorry change everything?
Will it change the fact that you left me to die on the floor by the staircase?
Will it erase all the horrible things you said to me?
"Toh yanzu auren ya kare sai ka huta"I say with a sniff and clean my tears.

I feel so sad, tired and confuse, I don't even know what to do, I don't want to blame fu'ad but at thesame time i feel he's responsible for putting us in this situation.

"I'm sorry,
Stop crying."he say slightly brushing my forehead making me to sigh, he stand up and sit on the edge of the bed.

You don't have to tell anyone,
I.........we were happy before all this,
I really care about you."he say and i just stare at at him because i don't know what to say.

"Let's not talk about this ."I say and he sigh, slightly side hugging me as he brush his thumbs on my shoulder.

Quickly arranging his few remaining stuff that's in the apartment jalal sigh, he hasn't seen ummi, he was at the hospital gate when he saw fu'ad ran inside the hospital that day, Kareem told him he regain his memory,
Jalal couldn't help but feel helpless and relent about the whole thing going on in his life, he couldn't stop thinking about ummi, sometimes he even dream about her, he's trying to stop himself from thinking about her and continue with his life, he want to convince himself that whatever it is that he's feeling isn't true, he want to believe that it's a mere infatuation or a figment of his imagination, but the more he try to forget about her the more she indulge into his thoughts,

He grab his phone and zip the suitcase close before dropping it on the floor, his flight is in 2houts time, he is going back to his mum, she's the only person she do help him come out of this forbidden entangled situation he's in, he grab his jacket by the door and exit the apartment.

"Good day sir."one of the security greet and he nod as he hand him the suitcase.

He already let fu'ad knows he's going, they have talked and sort there differences it's not a very long conversation just there casual bromance conversation about letting go the past, he enter the back passenger seat of the black Mercedes-Benz and sit with a sigh, he glance at the building for a while.

He never thought coming to this house will out him in this emotional situation, he indeed make alot of memories and mostly are with ummi, he push all thoughts back and put on the earphone as the car start driving out of the house, he scroll through his phone screen and click on one of the musics to help him get his mind off all this.

"Sir are you stopping to check in ma'am in the hospital?"the driver ask and jalal shake his head.

"No."he say and the driver nod.

The drive is a long one and the more they approach the airport the harder he find it to let go, jalal wonder if he can let go especially now that fu'ad has gained his memory back the least he will do is to leave and let them have there happily ever after, he come down from the car and an envelope fall from the car seat making him to Furrow his brow and pick it up,
The "bindawa Inc" mark body on it with ummi's name written makes him  look at the envelope in alert interest as he deliberate on wether or not to open it, he drop it back in the car and pick it again with a sigh, he stuff it inside his backpack before collecting his suitcase from the driver and saunter inside the Airport.

Una know why i no dey update😏,

You all should start commenting or else?

Abi una no dey feel the story neh🙄.

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